1.What kind of campaign has started in the UK?
a) a hands-free phones campaign
b) a get-behind-the-wheel campaign
c) a road-safety campaign
d) to increase-traffic-penalties
2.What is the name of the charity?
a) Brake
b) Break
c) Broke
d) Broken
3.What kind of increase does the charity want in fines?
a) a tenfold increase
b) a 100% increase
c) double the current fine
d) a $1,000 rise
4.How many U.K. drivers have been penalised for phone use?
a) 757,000
b) 575,000
c) 555,000
d) 755,000
5.What did the charity say was the norm nowadays?
a) speeding
b) texting
c) living in an age
d) being connected
6.What did the U.K. say was a top priority?
a) helping phone companies
b) road safety
c) bicycle lanes
d) hands-free devices
7.What does the U.K. government keep under review?
a) penalties
b) free kicks
c) speed limits
d) texting
8.What do the temptations do to drivers?
a) stop them driving
b) make them change direction
c) divert their attention
d) text them
9.What would many people not dream of doing?
a) sleep in their car
b) leave their phone at home
c) pay fines
d) drink and drive
10.What can have similar effects to drink driving?
a) using a phone while driving
b) not checking tyre pressure
c) consequences
d) oblivious distractions