1.How many consoles did Microsoft sell on the first day of sale?
a) more than 1,000,000
b) less than 100,000
c) between 100,000 and 1,000,000
d) exactly one million
2.In how many countries was the Xbox One on sale?
a) 11
b) 12
c) 13
d) 14
3.Who is Yusuf Mehdi?
a) the first person to buy an Xbox One
b) a game character
c) a game developer
d) a Microsoft spokesman
4.What did thousands of excited fans do to get their Xbox One?
a) take a ticket
b) line up
c) log in to a website
d) fight
5.What is Microsoft working hard to do?
a) make more consoles
b) make a best-selling game
c) make holiday gift wishes
d) love gaming
6.What did many disappointed Microsoft customers see on their console?
a) a brick
b) the face of Bill Gates
c) a giant "x"
d) an error message
7.What does the gaming word "brick" mean?
a) to hit someone with a brick
b) build a wall
c) become useless
d) restart
8.Who should users contact if their game freezes?
a) the shop
b) customer support
c) a users' blog
d) Microsoft's CEO
9.Why does Microsoft need to act quickly?
a) it might troubleshoot
b) it doesn't like bricks
c) because of PlayStation 4
d) pure gaming
10.How much cheaper is the PlayStation 4?
a) $88
b) $80
c) $89
d) $18.99