1.What did the Turkish court say Twitter takes away?
a) a lot of money
b) freedom of speech
c) information
d) Internet space
2.What kind of files was the Turkish prime minister angry about?
a) video files
b) password-protected files
c) audio files
d) pictures
3.What is the prime minister a critic of?
a) himself
b) the Internet
c) Turkey's government
d) social networking
4.Which other website did Mr Erdogan ban for a short time?
a) Facebook
b) YouTube
c) Google Turkey
d) BBC
5.Who did Mr Erdogan say he didn't care about?
a) the international community
b) Internet users
c) himself
d) Twitter
6.What did Turks not use to get on Twitter?
a) normal channels
b) wi-fi
c) mobile phones
d) the Internet
7.What happened to the number of tweets right after the ban?
a) they stopped
b) they stayed the same
c) the went down
d) they went up
8.Who did the court agree with?
a) the prime minister
b) Mehmet Topal
c) the people
d) Twitter
9.Who was happy with the court's announcement?
a) Mehmet Topal
b) Tayyip Erdogan
c) a 99-year-old Turkish tweeter
d) Twitter
10.When does Twitter hope access to its site will return to Turkey?
a) yesterday
b) soon
c) in a day or two
d) before the end of the month