1.What fraction of British people think they'll never own their own home?
a) seven-eighths
b) three-quarters
c) two-fifths
d) a third
2.What was once an achievable goal for Britons?
a) lifelong happiness
b) home ownership
c) owning two cars
d) becoming self-employed
3.What prospects are on the decline?
a) job prospects
b) those of England winning the World
c) getting on the property ladder
d) living in the city you want to
4.What is Craig McKinlay's job?
a) mortgage director
b) finance director
c) movie director
d) human resources director
5.What are British people starting to accept?
a) the British weather
b) that there are not enough houses
c) a lifetime of renting
d) property taxes
6.By how much did house prices in Britain rise last year?
a) 18%
b) 10.5%
c) 15.5%
d) 15%
7.What did the report compare rising house prices to?
a) a galloping horse
b) a waddling duck
c) a leaping flea
d) a runaway train
8.What is the value of an average home in London?
a) $610,000
b) $601,000
c) $611,000
d) $600,100
9.What will happen to the market if there are fewer first-time buyers?
a) it will come and go
b) it will come to pass
c) it will come to a halt
d) it will come to attention
10.What happens if there is no activity in the market?
a) prices will fluctuate
b) prices will decrease
c) prices will remain the same
d) prices will decrease