1.Who started the new fatherhood project?
a) British mothers
b) Fathers United
c) the British government
d) children
2.What does the project aim to slow down the rate of?
a) family breakdown
b) population growth
c) homelessness
d) two-child families
3.How many British kids grow up without a father?
a) 895,522
b) over a million
c) millions
d) hundreds of thousands
4.What are British 16-year-olds more likely to have than a father?
a) a relative with a war medal
b) two uncles and five cousins
c) three aunts
d) a smartphone
5.Who is Iain Duncan Smith?
a) a software engineer
b) a child
c) a project leader
d) a teacher
6.Who are the new classes for?
a) anyone
b) men only
c) children
d) men and women
7.What skills will lessons help new fathers develop?
a) playing games
b) bottle feeding
c) diaper changing
d) communication skills
8.What does Mr Smith want to happen to the divorce rate?
a) stabilise
b) he wants it to go down
c) nothing
d) become zero
9.What habits did Mr Smith say divorce damaged?
a) learned
b) eating
c) bath
d) bad
10.What did Mr Smith say the government should strengthen?
a) families
b) the economy
c) the army
d) people