1.Who is Jayashri Kulkarni?
a) a computer scientist
b) a psychiatry professor
c) a gossip columnist
d) an astrologist
2.What date did Jayashri Kulkarni contrast January 1 with?
a) December 25
b) March 14
c) January 31
d) August 26
3.When are most New Year's resolutions broken by?
a) January 31
b) August 26
c) March 14
d) January 2
4.According to the article, what are identical each year?
a) the stars and planets
b) the Moon and Sun
c) resolutions
d) the weight people want to lose
5.What did the website usa.gov say people have a hard time doing?
a) getting fit
b) sticking to resolutions
c) finding a good resolution
d) losing weight
6.How many of us make a New Year's resolution?
a) 45%
b) 44%
c) 43%
d) 42%
7.Who do many people resolve to help?
a) those with no resolutions
b) the lonely
c) other people
d) the poor
8.How long do 71% of us stick to our resolutions?
a) two weeks
b) two days
c) 12 days
d) 12 weeks
9.How many people continue their resolutions up to six months?
a) less than 50%
b) 55%
c) 60%
d) more than 65%
10.What kind of clause do people use to stop their resolution?
a) a legal clause
b) a grammatical clause
c) a legal clause
d) an escape clause