1.Which university in the USA made the report on childhood?
a) Duke
b) Earl
c) King
d) Lord
2.When did the Child Well-Being Index first appear?
a) 1955
b) 1965
c) 1975
d) 1985
3.By how much have child death rates decreased since 1975?
a) a half
b) a quarter
c) a fifth
d) a third
4.What are fewer children the victim of these days?
a) smoking
b) violent crime
c) fashion
d) bullies
5.What is at its lowest level in 20 years?
a) teen births
b) the oil price
c) student morale
d) education standards
6.What has deteriorated in children in the past 20 years?
a) ambition
b) manners
c) their teeth
d) kids' health
7.What major factor has led to a worsening of children's health?
a) school
b) alcohol
c) obesity
d) environment
8.Where do teens spend more of their time these days?
a) in bed
b) indoors
c) in the gym
d) shopping malls
9.What affects millions of children in the USA?
a) loneliness
b) short-sightedness
c) poverty
d) bad breath
10.What was the percentage of children below the poverty line in 2013?
a) 30
b) 20
c) 40
d) 5