1.What is rising between North Korea and the USA?
a) propaganda
b) competition
c) oil prices
d) tensions
2.What did Sony cancel?
a) film production
b) screenings of its movie
c) actors' contracts
d) a press conference
3.How many journalists is the movie about?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
4.What is the name of the group claiming the attack?
a) Guardians Of Peace
b) Piece of Guardians
c) Gardens of Peace
d) The Peace Gardens
5.What did the group tell Sony it would put online?
a) its own movie
b) movie scripts
c) confidential data
d) videos
6.In whose interests did Sony cancel the release of the movie?
a) those of Sony bosses
b) the public's
c) the FBI's
d) the world's
7.What did Barack Obama say dictators could not start doing in the USA?
a) making movies
b) opening cinemas
c) starting political parties
d) imposing censorship
8.What kind of blow did John McCain talk about?
a) a blow to free speech
b) a burst car tyre
c) a bomb
d) a blow to the head
9.What did another politician say America had lost?
a) face
b) its way
c) its first cyber-war
d) documents
10.Who did an actor say had caved in?
a) Sony executives
b) everyone
c) actors
d) the North Koreans