Drivers the world over may soon haverespite from potholes and cracks in the road. Scientists from the universitiesof Bath, Cambridge and Cardiff havecomeup witha novel and innovative solution to plugging gaps and holes in roadsand highways. They have created a bacteria-filled concrete to prevent cracks ina road from becoming larger. The concrete is full of bacteria that open whenwaterseeps intoa crack. Thebacteria burst open and inject limestone into the crack, thus filling andrepairing it to avert moreseriousdamage. The scientists believe their discovery could considerably increasethe lifespan of roads, reduce repairs, and lower roadwork costs by up to 50 percent.
The new concrete could be good news for theenvironment. Scientists estimate that over seven per cent of the world's CO2emissions come from the production of cement. If less cement is needed torepair roads, there will be fewer pollutants entering the atmosphere. Anotherbenefit of the new cement is a reduction in accidents, injuries and deaths thatresult frompotholes. Thousands ofmotorists and pedestrians worldwide are killed because drivers swerve to avoidholes in roads. There is also good news for local governments. In Britainalone, at least 40,000 drivers a year claim compensation for damages to theircar caused by potholes. The concrete could be put to use in the next 20 years.