1.What will new menus tell customers about?
a) nutritional content of food
b) where vegetables come from
c) whether or not food is home-made
d) prices in dollars
2.When were restaurants first able to use the logo?
a) July 15
b) the beginning of the year
c) last January
d) several years ago
3.When will eateries have to put the logo on their menus?
a) January
b) February
c) March
d) April
4.What do many diners expect when eating at French restaurants?
a) bread
b) top-quality food
c) dessert
d) wine
5.What else is French food famous for besides a rich history and taste?
a) eclairs
b) colour
c) health benefits
d) presentation
6.What does the French government hope to boost?
a) the eating of garlic
b) tourism
c) regional wines
d) food production
7.What proportion of their budget do tourists spend on eating out?
a) 13.5%
b) 15.3%
c) 15.5%
d) 13.3%
8.What does the French government want to reduce?
a) tax
b) calories in food
c) processed food
d) tourists
9.According to a poll, what proportion of food is cooked on the premises?
a) three-quarters
b) a third
c) four-fifths
d) around half
10.What is the percentage of restaurants that supposedly use frozen food?
a) 85%
b) 75%
c) 65%
d) 55%