1.smart watch 智能手表
Readers may be smart to watch, and wait.
而对读者而言,聪明的做法就是再观望一阵子 。
2.deviate from 偏离;脱离
The test is how close you can come to imagining the life of a slave as it really was, not how far you can deviate from reality.
如果说想象是项测验,那它就是要测试你想象的生活与奴隶真实的生活有多接近,而不是你的想象与现实有多偏离 。
3.experiment with 进行实验;试用
You can experiment with the tags or create a more complex layout to suit your need.
您可以试用一下该标签,或者创建更加复杂的布局以满足您的需要 。
4.on the grounds of 基于……理由,根据
The decision was taken on the grounds of new intelligence, cost and technical feasibility, he said.
他称这一决定是根据新的情报、成本和技术可行性的理由采取的 。
5.fashion industry 时尚产业
Basically, this is a site that allows everyone in the fashion industry to get to know one another, find work or pitch their latest creation.总之,这是一个允许所有人进入时装产业的站点,让彼此相互认识,找工作或出售他们的最新作品 。