1.Since when have dog owners known that pets get jealous?
a) 1915
b) since time began
c) last Tuesday
d) decades
2.How many dogs did the professor's parents have?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
3.How many dogs did the professor stroke?
a) 2
b) 8
c) 27
d) 872
4.What did two dogs try to do to the professor's hand?
a) lick it
b) eat it
c) push it away
d) bite it
5.What did the dogs want?
a) sleep
b) attention
c) a toy
d) food
6.How many dogs were part of the tests?
a) 36
b) 37
c) 38
d) 39
7.What did the dogs have to listen to?
a) dogs barking
b) cats meowing
c) a reading
d) a song
8.What happened to the tail of the toy dog?
a) it wagged
b) it fell off
c) someone stole it
d) a dog ate it
9.What does professor Harris think is important?
a) understanding dog jealousy
b) making dogs happy
c) research
d) her job
10.What is jealousy the third-leading cause of?
a) winning at sports events
b) the purchase of diamond rings
c) apologies
d) non-accidental homicides