1.trust to 依靠,依赖
How do I know to trust to you?
He would not trust to this fine hand any longer.
他不再相信手里的这副好牌了 。
2.climate change 气候变化
Want to beat climate change?
Thanks to its slick design, drivers can make a statement about their style and climate change simultaneously.
由于它流畅漂亮的造型,驾驶者在环保出行的同时,还拥有了十足的时尚感 。
3.refuse to 拒绝
While there has been some agreement with banks over the haircut, nothing is official, so they can still refuse to participate.
虽然目前已经就减债问题和部分银行达成某种一致,但都是非正式的协议,因此银行仍有可能拒绝参与 。
Unless investment banks refuse to underwrite these kinds of shares, as they should, companies will continue to use them, whitehead says.
不过怀特海德指出,除非投行拒绝承销这类没有投票权的特殊股,否则企业还会继续发行它们 。
4.straight and narrow 中规中矩
It needs its central bank to keep it on the straight and narrow.
它需要它的中央银行保持他安分守己 。
Reputational risk for international accountants helps keep them on the straight and narrow.
国际会计师事务所面临的声誉风险有助于他们严格遵守法律 。