Deal Emerges to Save Detroit Institute of Arts Collection
Published January 21, 2014
The Detroit Institute of Arts Museum houses one of the top art collections in the world. So when Detroit went bankrupt, that collection - owned by the city - became one of the most controversial issues in the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. As VOA’s Kane Farabaugh reports, an emerging deal with several national foundations offers city officials a way out of the crisis, and could ultimately save the museum and its valuable collection.
底特律艺术学院博物馆拥有世界顶级艺术品收藏 。因此当底特律破产时,这些属于城市的收藏品成为了美国历史上,最大一起城市破产案中的最具争议的问题 。根据本台记者凯恩·法拉拔报道,一些国家基金会提出的一项最新协议为底特律市政官员提供了一条出路,而且这将最终拯救博物馆以及其珍贵的藏品 。