US Homes Attractive to Foreign Buyers
Published December 06, 2013
The wealthy around the world are always looking for ways to invest their money, and for some people that means buying homes in the United States. While foreign buyers make up just more than six percent of overall home sales in the United States, certain cities are disproportionately affected by foreign buyers, and that includes neighborhoods in southern California, where Elizabeth Lee has this report for VOA.
世界上的有钱人总是想尽办法进行投资,对于一些人来说,在美国购置房产就是一个不错的选择 。在美国,大于6%的房产购买者都是国外买家,而有些城市的房价也不成比例地受到国外买家的影响,加州南部的一座城市的居民区就是一个例子,本台记者伊丽莎白·李为我们发回现场报道 。