World Prematurity Day Aims to Lower Premature Births
Every year, in countries rich and poor, more than one million babies die because they are born prematurely. Many of the tiny infants who survive suffer lifelong disabilities. In recent years, organizations focused on child health have been trying to raise awareness about the dangers of premature births and what can be done to prevent them. That's the purpose of World Prematurity Day today (November 17, 2012). As VOA's Carol Pearson reports, it's also a day to educate mothers about how to care for babies who are born too soon.
每年,不管国家贫富,世界上都有1百万婴儿因早产而死亡 。即使是存活下来,许多早产儿也不得不忍受终生的病痛 。最近几年,一些关注婴幼儿健康的社会团体和组织把宣传早产儿危险性作为重点进行宣传,还告诉公众如何避免婴儿早产 。于是就有了11月17日世界早产日 。VOA记者Carol Pearson报道,在这一天,志愿者还会帮助母亲们了解如何照顾早产的宝宝 。