�����ڵ�λ�ã� ��ҳ > ���߹㲥 > BBC News > 2012��8��BBC���� > ����


ʱ��:2012-08-12 08:27:00 ��Դ:�ɿ�Ӣ�� �༭:helen  ÿ��������Ӣ������ѧ

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1.The Russian delegation regrets the general assembly's adoption of the resolution which only exasperates these confrontational approaches to solving the Syrian crisis not helping in any way bring the parties to apply for a dialogue and looking for peaceful ways to resolve the crisis in the interests of the entire Syrian people.
(1)�ȿ����������Ľṹ��“The Russian delegation regrets the general assembly's adoption of the resolution which only exasperates these confrontational approaches…not helping…”��˵���þ�ĺ�벿�ֶ��ڶԾ���������ۣ�����which�����Ķ���Ӿ䣻
(2)Ҫ֪��and looking for…�ڽṹ�;���������not helping in��IJ��ֲ��еģ�
2. The 17-year-old was killed at her home in northern Warrington because her father and mother thought that she brought shame on her family with her desire to lead a western as lifestyle.
(2)�����������������Ӿ�she brought shame on her family with her desire to lead a western as lifestyle��with her desire to lead a western as lifestyle�����ʶ����ʵ�䵱��ԭ��״�����desire�����Ƕ��ʲ���ʽ���䶨�
3.The wall of silence which has been in place for years was finally breached when she told the police she had witnessed Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed suffocated Shafilea after another family raw.
(1)����ΪThe wall of silence which…was finally breached when she told the police (that)…;Ҫ֪��she��ǰ�ĸ��ᵽ�����
(2) (that) she had witnessed�����ָ��˸�ʡ��(that)�ı���Ӿ䣻
4.The blast took place in a Somali dominated area of Eastleigh near an air force base.
(1)��仰�̣ܶ�����������ȴ���ܻ���⣻����ֻҪ��׼ν�ﶯ����took place����Ӧ��û�����⣻
(2) a Somali dominated area of Eastleigh����һ����ַ����took place in�ı����ĩ��near an air force base��ʶ�����������ص㡣


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