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CRI News Report:China Issues White Paper on Space Exploration

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China Issues White Paper on Space Exploration
China has published a white paper here in Beijing, saying that this country has made rapid progress and breakthroughs in the space industry since 2006.
The document includes details of the achievements that China has made in space exploration, its challenges and tasks, as well as its future goals.
According to the document, China will work together with the international community to maintain a peaceful and clean outer space.


China's top legislature to vote on draft amendment to Criminal Procedural Law


New draft laws to be voted on this weekend here in China could see prosecutors and police given the power to freeze criminal suspects' bonds, shares and funds.
China's top legislature is set to vote on the amendments to the Criminal Procedural Law at the end of its bimonthly meeting tomorrow.
Amendments to the Occupational Illness Prevention and Control Law are also under consideration.
The changes will see local governments arranging treatment for work-related illnesses if patients' employers no longer exist.


Former land use official in south China sentenced to death
A former district chief has been sentenced to death in Shenzhen after being convicted of taking bribes in return for real-estate approvals.
48-year old Zhong Xinming has been convicted of taking bribes over the course of 3-years while he was in charge of land use.
Zhong and his brother took bribes worth 5.5-million dollars from a local real estate developer in Shenzhen.
Zhong's brother has been sentenced to 11-years in prison, while the developer has been hit with a 12-year term behind bars.


China update FDI guidelines in China
China's top economic planner has published the latest guidelines for foreign direct investment in this country.
The National Development and Reform Commission has outlined the sectors where foreign investors will be encouraged, restricted or banned.
Among those, the government is encouraging foreign participation in developing unconventional oil and gas resources.
At the same time, the NDRC is increasing its restrictions on foreign investment in the Chinese refining sector.
It is also withdraw support for foreign investment in China's car industry to try to encourage domestic manufacturing.
The guidelines will become effective on January 30th.


White House announces arms sale to Saudi Arabia


The White House has announced a major arms sale to Saudi Arabia.
The US has agreed to sell over 29-billion dollars in arms to its Middle Eastern ally.
The deal includes the sale of 84 new F-15 fighter jets, as well as the refurbishment of 70 existing Saudi fighter jets.
The agreement comes as tensions between the United States and Iran escalate over Iran's nuclear ambitions, and Iran's role in the region as now that the US military has pulled out of Iraq.
At the same time, reports are also suggesting the Obama administration is planning more arms sales to its other Gulf allies.


Monti seeking growth in the coming year
The Italian government is preparing a package of measures to boost growth in the coming year.
At a year-end news conference, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has told reporters the package of reforms will focus on boosting competition and liberalising the Italian jobs market.
Monti says the measures are part of the second phase of his government's plan to get Italy out of recession.
Monti's government has already passed the first round of austerity measures.
Monti adds that despite two recent successful Italian bond auctions, he does not think that the financial turbulence for his country has ended.
Monti is expected to present the new stimulus measures to his EU counterparts when they meet early next month.


Police braces for tight security for New Year's Eve celebration in central NY
Police in New York are already beefing up security in Times Square ahead of one of the world's most-watched new year's eve celebrations.
A number of patrols are already at full force, and barricades are being erected.
Around 15-hundred New York City Police officers are expected to be on patrol on Saturday evening in Times Square to monitor the roughly one-million people who are expected to turn out to the Square to ring in the new year.
At the same time, New York's police Commissioner says there are no credible terrorist threats for the annual 'ball drop.'


BTV to Present 12-Hour Global Live Show at New Year's Eve
Beijing Television or BTV is gearing up to present a 12-hour live show that will see out 2011 and usher in 2012.
According to the station, the show will allow audience to experience the New Year celebrations in various different time zones.
Some of the highlights will include the New Year festivities and fireworks from Sydney Harbour Bridge and the New Year's countdown at the Tokyo Tower as well as cultural events from other global cities.
The program will run from 2 p.m. on New Year's Eve concluding at 2 a.m. on Sunday 1st January.
CRI will present a simulcast of the show on its video website:


这笔交易包括销售84架新型F-15战斗机, 并对沙特现有的70架战机进行升级I3=fMxo*7zQLR
这项协议使美国和伊朗之间的紧张关系升级, 虽然美军已撤离伊拉克,但伊朗仍视其为威胁YE.e8,_jJoM.5f~T7

重点单词   查看全部解释    
boost [bu:st]


vt. 推进,提高,增加
n. 推进,增加

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

withdraw [wið'drɔ:]


vt. 撤回,取回,撤退
vi. 退回,撤退,

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的

unconventional ['ʌnkən'venʃənəl]


adj. 非传统的

prevention [pri'venʃən]


n. 阻止,妨碍,预防

amendment [ə'mendmənt]


n. 改善(正), 修正案,某物质能改善土壤有助生长

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

turbulence ['tə:bjuləns]


动荡 n. 喧嚣,狂暴,骚乱,湍流


关键字: Report News CRI




