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Consumer countries, in particular the US and in Europe, are investing in alternative sources of energy, such as biofuels and nuclear power, and energy-saving measures to reduce their dependency on crude oil and combat global warming.
Some Opec countries are worried such moves could jeopardise future demand just as they embark on expansion plans. “The declaration will be a statement on oil relations as seen by Opec,” said one cartel source, referring to a draft of the statement.
作为西方国家能源监督机构的国际能源机构(International Energy Agency)上周警告称,2015年前可能发生“供应危机”。
The International Energy Agency, the western countries’ energy watchdog, warned last week about the risk of a “supply crunch” before 2015.
However, Saudi Arabia will use the occasion to stress it has raised its production capacity, with an extra 500,000 barrels a day arriving next month as part of an $80bn investment to reach 12.5m b/d by the end of 2009.
沙特石油部长阿里?纳伊米(Ali Naimi)称,该国已确立了一些项目,以便在中期内将日产量提高至1500万桶。
Ali Naimi, Saudi oil minister, has said the country has identified projects for further increases to 15m b/d in the medium term.
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