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BEC商务英语考试初级经典模拟试题 part 2

来源:http://www.233.com/ 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

9. Why do you object to ______ the direction?

A. following B. follow

C. have followed D. have been followed

10. They ______ the game BECause of rain.

A. deserted B. abandoned

C. left D. departed

11. In the 19 th century industry ______ towards the north of England.

A. tended B. gravitated

C. intended D. inclined

12. ______ some of the suggestions prove of value to you as well.

A. Could B. Can

C. Might D. May

13. Before we commence again, let me give you a word or two of advice,_____?

A. shall I B. don't I

C. will you D. won't you

14. I wish to talk with you in private,______?

A. do I B. shall I

C. can I D. may I

15. People will not believe a person who always ______.

A. magnifies B. enlarges

C. broadens D. exaggerates

16. The reserch project has only been under way for three months,so it's too early to ______ its success.

A. figure B. consider

C. rate D. evaluate

17. If the United States had not entered the Second World War, probably the 1940 unemployment rate of 14% ______ still further.

A. would rise B. rose

C. would have risen D. had risen

18. We wouldn't lose courage even if we ______ again.

A. were to fail B. would fail

C. fail D. have failed

19. John wants to see me today, but I would rather he ______ tomorrow than today.

A. came B. had come

C. would come D. sould come

20. After his troubles, he's now in ______ comfort.

A. relative B. constant

C. relevant D. fair

文章关键字: BEC 模拟 商务英语 初级





