The Tata Group is the largest corporation in India. It has a diverse range of business interests, including cars, steel, information technology, energy, tea and hotels. It was founded in 1868 by Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, who set up a company in Mumbai to trade in cotton. The company opened the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai in 1903 and then it invested in steel and power. Today, Tata is showing the power of Indian companies in the global marketplace. It has purchased luxury brand cars, like Jaguar and Land Rover, and foreign-owned steel makers. In 2008, it showcased the world’s cheapest car, the Tata Nano. The website says it is a value-driven company: “Our practice of returning to society what we earn evokes trust among consumers, employees, shareholders and the community.” Tata employs close to 400,000 people worldwide.
。塔塔的商业运行涉及许多领域,包括汽车、钢铁、信息技术、能源、茶叶以及饭店 。1868年,贾姆谢特吉·塔塔开创了塔塔,起初他在孟买建立公司,做纺织业生意 。1903年,该公司在孟买建立了泰姬玛哈酒店,之后投资钢铁和能源业 。如今,塔塔在全球市场展现着印度公司的实力 。该集团购买了像捷豹和路虎这样的奢侈品牌 。以及外国制钢厂 。2008年,集团发布了全球最廉价汽车,塔塔纳努 。其官网称我们是一家以价值为主导的公司:“我们回归社会的行动夺得了顾客、员工、股东以及社区的信任 。”塔塔在全球的员工总数接近40万人 。译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。