Rolex is one of the most famous brands of high-quality luxury watches. They are widely regarded as status symbols. The company was started by Hans Wilsdorf and his brother-in-law Alfred Davis in London in 1905. They registered the name “Rolex” in 1908. In 1919, the company moved to Geneva, Switzerland, where it has stayed ever since. Rolex has been a pioneer in watch-making and produced the first ever self-winding watch, the first watch with an automatically changing date and the first underwater time piece. Today, the company produces over 2,000 watches a day, all put together by highly skilled workers. The company has a never-ending job of pursuing counterfeits of its products. Rolex generates around $3 billion in annual revenues and employs just less than 3,000 staff.
。人们广泛认为它是地位的象征 。1905年,汉斯·威尔斯多夫和他的姐夫在伦敦成立了公司 。1908年,劳力士(Rolex)商标注册成功 。1919年,公司搬到了瑞士的日内瓦,并永远留在了这里 。劳力士是制表业的先驱,它生产了第一块自动上链表,以及首块主动转换日期的万年历表,和第一块防水表 。每天,劳力士能够生产的手表超过了2000块,技艺精湛的机械师将其组装成型 。劳力士一直没有停止对打击伪造品的工作 。劳力士每年的营业额大约在30亿美金,员工总数少于3000人译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。