Gillette is a leading brand of razors and personal hygiene products. It was founded in 1895. It produced the first safety razors using disposable blades in 1902. In 1958, it produced its first 'adjustable' razor the model for most of today’s razors. The company is famous for bringing out different designs of razors,each claiming to produce a much better, closer shave than the ones before. Its slogan is "The Best a Man Can Get". The brand markets itself as providing “high-performance styling and grooming products for men.”More than 600 million men worldwide shave with a Gillette product. Gillette was bought by Proctor andGamble in 2005 and the name ‘The Gillette Company’ disappeared. The company also produces shaving gels and creams, hair care products and deodorants.
。它的创办时间是1895年 。1902年,它生产出了第一个可以更换刀片的剃须刀 。1958年,生产了第一个可调式剃须刀,这也是当今大多数剃须刀的样本 。该公司也因其不同款式的剃须刀而著名,每一款剃须刀都致力于制造出比上一款更加优越的剃须刀 。其标语是“男士的首选” 。该产品向世界提供的是设计独特、功能强大的男用产品 。全球有超过6亿男士使用吉利剃须刀 。2005年,宝洁公司将其收购,至此吉利公司就此消失 。该公司还生产剃须膏、面霜、护发产品以及除臭剂 。译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。