任何背弃合同的行为将受到惩罚,这已在处罚条款里写得很清楚了。 Any kind of backing out of the contract will be charged a penalty as has been stated in the penalty clause.
由于贵方交货拖延,我方要求取消合同。 We want to cancel the contract because of your delay in delivery.
如果卖方不能在信用证有效期内交货的话,买方有权单方面取消合同。 The buyer has the right to cancel the contract unilaterally if the seller fails to ship the goods within the L/C validity.
如果没有什么正当理由,你们不应撕毁合同。 You cannot break the contract without any good reason.
我们完全有理由取消合同,因为你们没有完成应遵守的合同内容,履行合同。 We have every reason to cancel the contract because youve failed to fulfil your part of it.
如果一方不履行合同,另一方有权取消合同。 One party is entitled to cancel the contract if the other side cannot execute it.
一般来讲,合同一经双方签订就不得更改。 Generally speaking, a contract cannot be changed after it has been signed by both parties.
由于这种难以预料的情况,合同中的有关条款不得不做些修改。 Some relative clauses in the contract have to be amended owing to the unexpected situation.
这个合同将到期,我们来谈谈新合同的事宜吧。 Since the contract is about to expire, shall we discuss a new one?
包装直接关系到产品的销售。 Packing has a close bearing on sales.
包装有助于推销产品。 Packing will help push the sales.
买方通常很注意包装。 Buyers always pay great attention to packing.
不同商品需要不同的包装。 Different articles require different forms of packing.
一般来说,买方应承担包装费用。 Buyers, generally speaking, bear the change of packing.
包装占货物总成本的百分比是多少? How much does packing take up of the total cost of the goods?
包装必须很坚固,能承受野蛮装卸。 The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handing.
坚固的包装可以防止货物在运输途中受到任何损失。 Strong packing will protect the goods from any possible damage during transit.
纸箱适合海运。 Cartons are seaworthy.
人们购买这种商品通常用来赠亲友,所以精美高雅的设计至关重要。 This kind of article is often bought as a gift, so exquisite and tasteful design is of prime importance.
我们很想听听你们在包装方面有什么意见。 Wed like to hear what you say concerning the matter of packing.
有关包装运输唛头的条款你们有什么异议吗? Do you have nay objection to the stipulations about the packing and shipping marks?
我们将按你方的要求进行包装。 Well pack the goods according to your instruction.
货物将用细刨花包装,以防损坏。 The goods will be packed in wood wool to prevent damage.
应采取措施加固纸箱。 Measures should be taken to reinforce the cartons.
我们非常欢迎大家对包装方面提出建议。 Suggestions on packing are greatly appreciated.
许多国外客户已经认可了我们标准化的包装。 Our standardized packing has been approved by many foreign clients.
必须马上改进包装。 Its urgent to improve the packing.
包装费用未算在报价中。 Packing charges are excluded in the quoted prices.
为使损失减少到最低限度,我们对货物的包装足以承受长途海运。 To minimize any possible damage, weve packed our goods in the way to suit for long sea-voyage.
请报价并说明包装情况。 Please make an offer indicating the packing.
请保证货物不受潮。 Please make sure that the goods be protected from moisture.