[00:00.00]May I ask you a little favor? 请你帮我个忙好吗? [00:06.35]Yes,please. 好的,请说。 [00:09.79]When can I catch the bus for Tianmu? 去天母的公共汽车我在哪里乘? [00:16.94]At the bus stop in front of that drugstore on the next street. 在下条街那个药房前面的公共汽车站。 [00:27.56]How do I know the bus bound for Tianmu? 我怎么知道那辆公共汽车是往天母的呢? [00:36.00]You will notice the route number six on the front of the bus.And you should get off at the fifth stop. 你要注意公共汽车前面写的是6路车,而且你要在第5站下车。 [00:52.20]What is the fare? 车费要多少? [00:56.89]Seven dollar only. 只要7美元。 [01:02.10]Thank you very much for your kindness. 非常谢谢你的帮忙。 [01:09.13]Here comes the bus!You had better hurry up. 车子来了!你最好快一点儿。 [01:17.84]Where can I get a bus to the zoo? 到哪里搭共公汽车可以到动物园? [01:20.71]You can get the bus in front of the city hall. 你可以到市政厅前搭公共汽车。 [01:24.01]Does this bus go to the United Nations Head_quarters? 这辆公共汽车是不是开到联合国总部? [01:34.24]Which bus goes downtown? 哪一路车开往市区呢? [01:37.36]Bus No.2 does. 2路车开往市区。 [01:39.24]How many stops are there from here to the museum? 从这里到博物馆有几站呢? [01:43.12]It's the third stop. 3站。 [01:45.71]How much is the fare to Ala Moana Shopping Center? 到Ala Moana购物中心的车费多少? [01:50.82]A quarter,and it's a uniform fare. 2角5分,是公定价格。 [01:54.31]What's the number of the bus to the harbor? 几路公共汽车开往港口呢? [01:58.51]It's No.1. 1路车。 [02:00.52]Please tell me when we arrive at seventh street. 请告诉我什么时候会到第7街。 [02:09.84]Please let me off at the next stop. 下一站请让我下车。 [02:17.63]How long does it take to get there? 到那里需要多长时间呢? [02:21.40]It takes about fifteen minutes. 大约要15分钟。 [02:24.17]Do I have to change buses? 我要换车吗? [02:27.46]No,you don't.The stop you want to get off is the terminal. 不用,你下的站是终点站。 [02:32.01]Pardon me,where do I catch the bus to town? 对不起,到哪里去乘公共汽车进城? [02:41.11]The bus station is on the next corner,one block north of here. 公共汽车站在此地北方,下一条街的转角处。 [02:52.56]When's the next bus for Taibei? 下一班往台北的公共汽车什么时间开? [02:59.63]They run every half hour.The next one will be at 18:30. 每半小时开一班,下一班是6时30分。 [03:12.23]How often do the buses run? 公共汽车怎么发车? [03:19.20]I don't know.Ask someone at the station. 我不知道,你去问车站的人吧。 [03:27.77]Where do I get on the bus? 我在哪儿乘公共汽车? [03:33.75]You get on the bus at First Street. 你在第一街上公共汽车。 [03:41.25]Where do I get off the bus? 我在哪儿下车? [03:47.74]You get off the bus at Tenth Street. 你在第10街下车。 [03:54.38]Where do we get on the train? 我们到哪儿坐火车? [04:00.68]We get on the train in Taibei. 我们在台北上火车。 [04:08.56]Where do we get off the train? 我们在哪儿下火车? [04:14.70]We get off the train in Gaoxiong. 我们在高雄下火车。 [04:22.93]Does this bus go to the train station? 这辆公共汽车开往火车站吗? [04:30.56]Yes,this bus goes to the train station. 是的,这辆公共汽车是开往火车站的。 [04:39.55]Are you riding the bus to town? 你在乘公共汽车进城吗? [04:46.69]Yes,I am. 是的。 [04:52.42]Is your friend taking the train to Taibei? 你的朋友在乘火车去台北吗? [05:00.18]Yes,he is. 是的。 [05:05.85]Are your parents living here now? 你的双亲现在往在这儿吗? [05:11.95]Yes,they are. 是的,他们是。 [05:17.23]Will the bus be crowded? 公共汽车会很拥挤吗? [05:23.64]The bus will be crowded. 公共汽车很拥挤。 [05:29.31]Does the passenger hope to find a seat? 乘客希望找个座位吗? [05:35.66]The passenger hopes to find a seat. 乘客希望找个座位。 [05:42.42]Do they want to go to the city today? 他们今天要到城里去吗? [05:49.37]They want to go to the city today. 他们今天要到城里去。 [05:55.99]steering_wheel 方向盘 [05:59.19]clutch 离合器 [06:02.00]brake 刹车 [06:04.59]accelerator 油门 [06:07.67]gear lever 变速杆 [06:11.96]direction indicator 方向指示器 [06:16.92]wind_screen 挡风玻璃 [06:21.03]head_light 头灯 [06:24.13]tail_lamp 尾灯 [06:27.58]tyre 轮胎 [06:30.70]driving seat 驾驶座 [06:34.66]front seat 前座 [06:37.90]engine trouble 引擎故障 [06:41.52]14.puncture;flat tyre 爆胎 [06:46.90]garage 车库 [06:49.92]park a car 停车