[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.65]Dialogues (2) 对话(2) [00:08.71]Good afternoon,Doctor. 你好,大夫. [00:12.38]Good afternoon. What can I do for you? 你好,我能为你做点什么? [00:17.59]I'm an athlete for the Olympic Games here. 我是奥运会运动员. [00:22.41]About half an hour ago I fell on the ground and hurt my leg.It bled a lot. 大约半小时前,我摔倒在地,把腿摔破了流了很多血. [00:30.69]Let me have a look.You're very lucky because the cut is not deep. 让我看看.你很幸运,伤口并不深. [00:36.89]First,I'll clean up the wound and then dress it. 我先给你清洗伤口,再把它包扎起来. [00:41.63]Must I stop all my training?Will I be able to attend the games? 我要停止所有的训练吗? 我还能参加比赛吗? [00:48.55]Take it easy.It's not serious.You should keep the wound very clean. 别紧张,并不严重.要保持伤口的清洁. [00:54.78]Don't do strenuous exercises until your wound is healed. 伤口愈合前,不要做剧烈运动. [01:00.47]Thank you very much,doctor. 谢谢你,大夫. [01:04.01]Not at all.You'll be OK soon. 不客气.你很快就会好的. [01:08.23]Good-bye. 再见. [01:09.15]Good-bye. 再见. [01:16.91]Good afternoon,Doctor. 你好,大夫. [01:27.99]Good afternoon. What can I do for you? 你好,我能为你做点什么? [01:46.18]I'm an athlete for the Olympic Games here. 我是奥运会运动员. [01:50.54]About half an hour ago I fell on the ground and hurt my leg.It bled a lot. 大约半小时前,我摔倒在地,把腿摔破了流了很多血. [02:56.54]Let me have a look. You're very lucky because the cut is not deep. 让我看看.你很幸运,伤口并不深. [03:02.57]First,I'll clean up the wound and then dress it. 我先给你清洗伤口,再把它包扎起来. [03:58.88]Must I stop all my training?Will I be able to attend the games? 我要停止所有的训练吗? 我还能参加比赛吗? [04:42.18]Take it easy.It's not serious.You should keep the wound very clean. 别紧张,并不严重.要保持伤口的清洁. [04:49.03]Don't do strenuous exercises until your wound is healed. 伤口愈合前,不要做剧烈运动. [05:54.06]Thank you very much,doctor 谢谢你,大夫. [06:02.19]Not at all.You'll be OK soon. 不客气.你很快就会好的 [06:17.96]Good-bye. 再见. [06:20.15]Good-bye. 再见.