[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.55]So, Steven, I thought we would have a friendly debate. 史蒂文,我想我们要进行一场友好的辩论。 [00:04.28]What do you think is the best sport in the world? 你认为世界上最棒的体育运动是什么? [00:07.33]The best sport in the world is unquestionably what is know in America as soccer, 世界上最棒的体育运动绝对是美国称为足球的运动, [00:11.39]what is know in my country as football. 在我们国家这项运动用football来表示。 [00:14.33]Yeah, well, we'll call it football. I think football's good. I think football's good. 好,那我们就用football来表示足球吧。我认为足球很好,是很好, [00:17.22]It's a good sport, but I'm sorry, it's just not as good as baseball. 是一项很好的运动,不过很抱歉,它并不如棒球好。 [00:20.32]Really, I'm quite surprised to hear you say that 是吗,我对你的话感到非常吃惊, [00:22.57]because you did mention, I believe the question was "the best sport in the world" (Yes) 因为你刚刚的问题是世界上最棒的运动(没错), [00:27.53]whereas baseball isn't as nearly as widely appreciated worldwide as football is. 可是棒球并不像足球那样在全世界范围内广受欢迎。 [00:36.54]Ah, that's true. That's true. 没错,这话没错。 [00:38.58]I will give you that, but a lot of countries do play baseball, 这点我承认,可是也有许多国家在开展棒球这项运动, [00:42.51]it's popular in Asia (they do indeed, yeah) and Central America, and in North America, and it's a young sport. 它在亚洲(对,没错)、中美洲和北美洲都很受欢迎,棒球是一项年轻的运动。 [00:49.54]You just got to give it time. We need more time to come around. 你要给这项运动发展的时间。我们需要更多时间让它推广出去。 [00:52.15]Yeah, I don't have anything in particular against kids playing baseball. 对,我并没有特别反对儿童从事棒球运动。 [00:55.43]I think getting kids out playing any sport is very healthy and it very good thing to happen, 我认为让孩子们出去进行体育运动对他们的健康有好处,这也是件好事, [01:02.01]but I got to say, I mean for young kids, particularly in developing countries 但是我要说,对小孩子来说,尤其是发展中国家, [01:06.59]where they perhaps need a lot more equipment to play baseball, 他们需要更多的设施来从事棒球, [01:10.35]I think soccer is much more accessible than baseball. 我认为足球比棒球更容易从事。 [01:13.43]They only need a ball, a field, a street even before they can get started. 足球只需要一个球、一块场地就可以,甚至在街道上就可以进行足球比赛。 [01:18.39]Well, that's kind of true, but I mean in baseball you just need a stick and a rock. 嗯,这倒是事实,不过我认为棒球也只需要棒球棒和垒位。 [01:26.02]Yeah you could do like that, yeah. 对,那样也可以。 [01:27.33]But I mean, one thing that I think how baseball is better than football is that 我认为棒球比足球好的地方在于, [01:31.48]in baseball it's more democratic in that everybody has to bat. 棒球这项运动更民主,所有人都要击球。 [01:36.20]You can't have a prima donna star. 没有当家球星。 [01:38.02]I mean you can have stars, but everyone's gotta swing the bat, 我是说一支球队可以有球星,但是所有人都挥棒击球, [01:42.02]and you know, in soccer if you're a fullback, 如你所知,足球比赛中有后卫, [01:44.30]if I'm using that correctly, you play back by the goal, you know, you're kind of just lagging back there. 如果我理解正确,你踢后卫的位置,那你就要在后面防守。 [01:51.14]You're not gonna score or anything. 你不能去进球之类的。 [01:55.44]Yeah, that's very, very true 对,这点完全正确, [01:58.12]and I think you're very right in saying that baseball is indeed a democratic sport, 我认为你刚说到棒球是非常民主的运动这点很正确, [02:02.26]but I think soccer gives each individual player to play to his own strengths, his own physical capabilities, 不过我认为足球运动给每名球员展示能力的机会,他们可以展示他们的身体素质, [02:08.55]for example you have people who are naturally strong presence who are more suited to, well, playing defense, 比如有球员更适合进行防守, [02:16.42]whereas your speedier players, and your slightly more cunning players lends itself to being a striker, 有球员速度更快,灵巧的球员适合当前锋, [02:22.47]so it really allows people to specialize and the crowd really get behind that. 所以这项运动让球员可以分工合作,他们会得到球迷的支持。 [02:26.52]The crowd really appreciate a good strong defender and a nifty striker who gets in there and poaches a lot of goals for his team. 球迷喜欢杰出的后卫,也喜欢可以为球队进球的灵巧前锋。 [02:36.48]Well, that's true. Those are some good points, 没错。这些观点很好, [02:39.38]but in baseball you have to utilize more skills. 不过棒球运动也要应用到很多能力。 [02:43.01]I mean, you have to be skilled at catching the ball (Yes), throwing the ball (Yes), hitting the ball (Yeah), running the bases (yeah), 我是说,你要擅于接球,投球,击球,跑垒, [02:49.17]you know, football you just got to run and kick (Yeah). 你知道,足球只需要跑动和踢球。(对) [02:53.32]But I mean, to be honest with you, baseball, that's not really doing anything that cricket never did, for example. 我的意思是,和你说实话,其实棒球和板球差不多。 [02:59.41]All those skills were employed in a sport that was invented way, way much longer ago than baseball ever was. 所有这些技巧的应用都远远早于棒球运动的发展。 [03:08.55]That is true. You got me on that one, so anyway. well, I like football, but I just, I have to stick with baseball. 这倒是没错。在这点上我表示同意,我喜欢足球,但是我坚持棒球最好。 [03:15.46]That's fine. I think we can agree to disagree. 很好。我想我们可以各自保留不同意见。