[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.01]The greenhouses of Almeria in Spain are Europe's vegetable garden. 西班牙的艾美利亚温室是欧洲的菜园。 [00:05.13]A city of uniformly sized vegetables waits every day for the hundreds of trucks. 大批形状整齐的蔬菜每天等候数以百计的卡车。 [00:11.10]That will take them to the continent's supermarkets. 把它们运送到欧洲大陆的超级市场。 [00:15.30]The more a country develops,the more meat its inhabitants consume. 国家越发展国民对肉类的需求就越大。 [00:20.41]How can growing worldwide demand be satisfied... 不依靠集中饲养式牛场。 [00:23.57]without recourse to concentration camp-style cattle farms? 如何满足全球日益增长的需求。 [00:28.19]Faster and faster. 越来越快。 [00:30.04]Like the life cycle of livestock which may never see a meadow,manufacturing meat faster than the animal has become a daily routine. 就像家畜一生都不会见到牧场比动物生长更快的肉类生产成为日常程序。 [00:38.00]In these vast food lots, trampled by millions of cattle,not a blade of grass grows. 被数百万牛践踏的辽阔饲场,寸草不生。 [00:56.36]A fleet of trucks from every corner of the country...brings in tons of grain, soy meal and protein-rich granules that will become tons of meat. 一队队卡车从全国各地运来,数以吨计的谷物,黄豆和丰富蛋白质的饲料最终变成一吨吨的肉。 [01:07.24]The result is that it takes 100 liters of water... 结果是生产一公斤马铃薯。 [01:10.45]to produce one kilogram of potatoes, 4,000 for one kilo of rice and 13,000 for one kilo of beef. 要一百公升水。一公斤米要四千公升水而一公斤牛肉要一万三千公升水。 [01:21.19]Not to mention the oil guzzled in the production process and transport. 还不算在生产和运输过程被耗掉的石油。 [01:34.56]Our agriculture has become oil-powered. 我们的农业成了石油推动型。 [01:38.29]It feeds twice as many humans on Earth but has replaced diversity with standardization. 它能养活地球上双倍的人口但多元性被标准化取代。 [01:46.07]It has offered many of us comforts we could only dream of,but it makes our way of life totally dependent on oil. 它让我们享受到梦中才有的舒适但却使我们的生活方式完全依赖石油。 [01:54.44]This is the new measure of time. 这是新的时间观念。 [01:59.46]Our world's clock now beats to the rhythm of these indefatigable machines tapping into the pocket of sunlight. 我们的时钟随着那永不言倦的阳光机器的节奏一起摆动。 [02:08.09]Their regularity reassures us. 它们的规律性让我们安心。 [02:11.01]The tiniest hiccup throws us into disarray. 极小的间断都会引发混乱。 [02:15.03]The whole planet is attentive to these metronomes... 整个地球都注意到了我们。 [02:17.49]of our hopes and illusions. 寄托希望和幻想的节拍器。 [02:22.22]The same hopes and illusions that proliferate along with our needs,increasingly insatiable desires and profligacy. 同样的希望和幻想随着我们的需求以及越来越难以满足的欲望和浪费而增加。 [02:30.25]We know that the end of cheap oil is imminent,but we refuse to believe it. 我们知道廉价石油时代即将终结但我们拒绝相信。 [02:40.50]For many of us, the American dream is embodied by a legendary name: 对大多数人来说 美国梦体现在一个传奇的名字上:。 [02:46.28]Los Angeles. 洛杉矶。 [02:49.27]In this city that stretches over100 kilometers,the number of cars is almost equal to the number of inhabitants. 在这个方圆一百公里的城市汽车的数量几乎与人口相等。