[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.29]Nonetheless, their output dominates the planet. 尽管如此他们的粮食产出还是支配着地球。 [00:04.45]In the United States, only three million farmers are left. 美国只剩下三百万农民。 [00:09.17]They produce enough grain to feed two billion people. 他们出产的谷物可以养活二十亿人口。 [00:18.51]But most of that grain is not used to feed people. 但大部分谷物并非用作食粮。 [00:22.33]Here, and in all other industrialized nations,it's transformed into livestock feed or biofuels. 就像其他工业国,谷物用来喂牲口或作生化燃料。 [00:37.56]The pocket of sunshine's energy...chased away the specter of drought that stalked farmland. 这束阳光的能量赶走了令土地干旱的幽灵。 [00:44.31]No spring escapes the demands of agriculture,which accounts for 70% of humanity's water consumption. 所有泉水都用于农业,它占人类水消耗量的70%。 [00:55.52]In nature, everything is linked. 大自然的一切都互相连系。 [00:59.05]The expansion of cultivated land and single-crop farming... 耕地的拓张和单一品种的种植。 [01:02.24]encouraged the development of parasites. 增加了害虫的肆虐。 [01:04.53]Pesticides, another gift of the petrochemical revolution,exterminated them. 石油化工革命带来的杀虫剂把它们杀光。 [01:12.17]Bad harvests and famine became a distant memory. 农作欠收和饥荒成为邀远回忆。 [01:16.57]The biggest headache now...was what to do with the surpluses engendered by modern agriculture. 眼前最头痛是如何处理现代农业带来的残留。 [01:22.21]But toxic pesticides seeped into the air,soil, plants, animals, rivers and oceans. 有毒的杀虫剂渗进空气,泥土、动植物、河流和海洋。 [01:40.45]They penetrated the heart of cells...similar to the mother cell that is shared by all forms of life. 它们入侵一切生命赖以生存的细胞核心。 [01:49.07]Are they harmful to the humans that they released from hunger? 它们对免于饥饿的人类有害吗? [01:52.53]These farmers, in their yellow protective suits,probably have a good idea. 这些穿着黄色保护衣物的农夫可能有更好的主意。 [02:08.02]The new agriculture abolished the dependence on soils and seasons. 新兴农业免除了对土壤和季节的依赖。 [02:22.05]Fertilizers produced unprecedented results... 肥料令小片土地。 [02:26.37]on plots of land thus far ignored. 出产前所未见的丰富收成。 [02:30.15]Crops adapted to soils and climates gave way to the most productive varieties and the easiest to transport. 适应了土地和气候的谷物被产量高和易于运输的品种所取代。 [02:38.03]And so, in the last century,three-quarters of the varieties developed by farmers over thousands of years... 于是在上一世纪农民在过去数千年培育的。 [02:45.00]Have been wiped out. 四分之三的品种绝种。 [02:48.13]As far as the eye can see, fertilizer below, plastic on top. 极目所见,下施肥料,上覆塑料。