[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:01.02]Okay, she is the star of the play. And she is my girlfriend! 她是主角,是我的女朋友, [00:06.73]I get to have sex with the star of the play! 我跟这部戏的女主角上床了。 [00:09.88]People can hear you. 人家会听到的 [00:11.14]I know!! 我知道! [00:21.06]Wow! She looks great. Doesn’t she? 她看来很棒,对吧? [00:22.40]Yeah. 是的 [00:24.75]Hi! 嗨! [00:25.44]Hi! 嗨! [00:26.39]That is one good looking man! 那是个好看的男人! [00:30.80]Is it just me, or can you actually see his abs through his overcoat?! 只有我看到吗,你能看到他外套里吗? [00:36.91]Sooo, you’ve been doing this long? 那,你做这很久吗? [00:39.60]No, you’re my first. Put the money on the table. 不,你是我的第一个,把钱放在桌子上 [00:46.03]Oh, yeah! Ooh, that’s nice. (They start making out harder.) 噢,是的!噢,那很好 [00:52.68]Dude! 伙计! [00:56.98]Is that an expensive blouse? 那上衣很贵吗? [00:59.53]If you want it to be. 假如你希望它是的话。 [01:05.89]Here’s your girlfriend’s button. (Holding the button.) 那是你女朋友的纽扣。