[00:00.00]BBC News with Maria Marshall. 马里恩·马歇尔为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.24]In his first comments after the Democratic Party's heavy defeat in Tuesday's midterm elections, 在周二民主党在中期选举中失败后,奥巴马总统做了首次讲话, [00:08.78]President Obama has said the American people have sent a message that they wanted their politicians to work as hard as they did. 他说美国人民已经表示希望政客们一如既往地努力。 [00:15.60]Speaking at the White House Mr. Obama said he was eager to work with the new Congress to make the next two years as productive as possible. 奥巴马在白宫发表演讲,称他渴望与新国会合作,将未来两年尽可能地富有成效。 [00:23.09]I am committed to making sure that I measure ideas not by whether they are from Democrat or Republican but by whether they work for the American people. 我承诺我会以观点来衡量事情,而不是看是民主党还是共和党,而是看是否对美国人民有帮助。 [00:31.94]And that's not to say that we won't disagree over some issues that we're passionate about, we will. Congress will pass some bills I cannot sign. 这并不是说我们不会在某些问题上产生分歧,分歧肯定会存在的。国会将通过一些我不能签署的法案, [00:41.98]I'm pretty sure I'll take some actions that some in Congress will not like. That's natural. That's how our democracy works. 我很确信我将采取一些不为国会所喜欢的行动,这都是自然的,我们的民主就是这样运作的。 [00:48.29]But we can surely find ways to work together on issues where there's broad agreement among the American people. 但我们肯定能找到办法就美国人普遍达成一致的问题上进行努力。 [00:54.51]He also said he congratulated Mitch McConnell on becoming Senate Leader. 他还表示庆祝明奇·麦康奈尔成为参议院领袖, [00:58.40]For his part Mr. McConnell said that two sides could move forwards on trade agreements and tax reform. 而麦康奈尔表示双方将就贸易协议和税收改革向前推进。 [01:04.06]The World Health Organization has slightly lowered its figures of the number of death from Ebola in West Africa, 世卫组织称西非埃博拉死亡者有了轻微下降, [01:10.50]saying better laboratory testing is producing more reliable statistics. 称更好的实验室测试产生了更可靠的统计数据。 [01:14.48]This may be the first indication that the huge effort to contain the virus is starting to have a moderate effect as I. F. reports from Geneva. 这可能是第一个信号,表明遏制这场病毒的巨大努力开始产生一定的效果。记者在日内瓦报道。 [01:22.72]The WHO believes that in Guinea the number of new cases is beginning to stabilize. 世卫组织认为几内亚的新病例数量开始趋稳, [01:27.95]In Liberia they may actually be declining. But in Sierra Leone they continue to rise. 在利比里亚这个数字可能也在下降。但在塞拉利昂,这个数字却在继续上升。 [01:34.22]But the WHO believes that despite this small size of hope, this is no time to relax. 但世卫组织认为,尽管希望不大,但丝毫没有放松的时间。 [01:40.79]Transmission of Ebola remains widespread and it has now reached every district of Liberia and Sierra Leone. 埃博拉传播依然很普遍,现在利比里亚和塞拉利昂的每个地区都已出现埃博拉。 [01:47.91]What's more the WHO is sure that overall both deaths and new cases of Ebola are still being underreported. 世卫组织确定的是,死亡总人数和埃博拉新病例的报道数字被低估了。 [01:57.44]Myanmar's most prominent pro-democracy activist the Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has said the country's reform process has stalled over the last two years. 缅甸最著名的亲民主活动家诺奖得主昂山素季称过去两年该国的改革进程已经停滞, [02:07.23]Speaking at a news conference, she warned world leaders not to be too optimistic about the country's transition from military to civilian rule. 昂山素季在新闻发布会上警告世界领导人不要对该国从军事统治向民治过渡太过乐观。 [02:15.74]The family of a British-Iranian woman on hunger strike in prison in the Iranian capital Tehran say they fear her condition is deteriorating rapidly. 在伊朗首都德黑兰监狱中绝食的英籍伊朗女子的家人说,他们担心该女子状况在急剧恶化。 [02:24.62]Ghoncheh Ghavami had been refusing solids and liquids since Saturday when she was sentenced to one year in prison for spreading anti-government propaganda. 周六葛罕法米因进行反政府宣传被判一年监禁,自那时起她就开始米水不进。 [02:33.18]She was arrested in June when she tried to watch a men's volleyball match. 6月份她因试图观看男子排球比赛而被捕。 [02:37.03]Her brother Iman Ghavami said it was his sister's second protest while in custody. 她的兄弟伊曼说这是她被囚禁期间第二次抗议了。 [02:42.14]She hasn't recovered from that first hunger strike because first one lasted for two weeks. 她第一次绝食持续了两周,所以目前尚未从中恢复过来。 [02:48.06]Then now she is on a dry hunger strike - no liquid and no solid food. 现在她的绝食是不吃饭也不喝水。 [02:51.81]So we fear that it might have a pretty serious, I mean fatal consequences.World News from the BBC. 所以我们担心情况有些严重,我意思说会导致致命后果。BBC世界新闻。 [02:59.73]Jordan has recalled its ambassador to Israel in protest at what it calls increasing and unprecedented Israeli escalation at Jerusalem's Holy sites. 约旦已经召回驻以色列大使,抗议所谓以色列在耶路撒冷圣地越发严重且史无前例的行为升级, [03:09.54]It follows clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police at al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, known to Jews as the Temple Mount. 此前巴勒斯坦抗议者和以色列警方在人称“圣殿山”的阿克萨清真寺发生冲突。 [03:17.78]Jordan, which acts as custodian of the mosque, said it would lodge a complaint to the UN Security Council. 作为这座清真寺的监管者,约旦称将向联合国安理会发起诉讼。 [03:23.55]Boko Haram militants in northeastern Nigeria have renamed a recently captured town of Mubi, calling it Madinatu Islam - City of Islam. 尼日利亚东北部的博科圣地武装组织将最近占领的Mubi镇改名为“伊斯兰教之城”, [03:33.09]They seized Mubi, the second largest town in Adamawa State, at the end of last month. 他们上月底占领了阿达马瓦州第二大城市Mubi。 [03:38.01]Residents told the BBC the militants had imposed Sharia - Islamic Law and it carried out executions and amputations. 当地居民告诉BBC这些武装分子推行了伊斯兰法,并实施处决和截肢的暴行。 [03:45.82]The authorities in Brazil(s) are investigating reports that nine people were killed in the northern city of Belem in revenge attacks carried out overnight by off duty police officers. 有报道称为了报复下班警察的袭击事件,巴西北部城市贝伦市有9人被杀,目前巴西当局正在对此案进行调查。 [03:57.25]The attacks came hours after a policeman was shot dead by a unknown gunman outside his home on Tuesday night; 周二晚上,就在袭击案发生的几小时前,一名警察在自家门外被无名持枪者开枪打死, [04:03.86]nine people were killed in several areas of the city by men on motorbikes. 该市不同城区还有9人被骑摩托者杀死。 [04:07.99]Brazilian police said at least six of them were execution style killings. 巴西警方称其中至少有6人被集体杀死。 [04:12.14]Scientists are giving details of a 66-millions-year-old fossil resembling a modern-day groundhog which they say rewrites our understanding of early mammals. N. D. has more. 科学家称一块有着6600万年历史的化石与现代的土拨鼠很像,他们称这将让我们对早期哺乳动物有全新的认识。 [04:23.70]The fossilized skull of this strange creature was discovered by chance in a block of sandstone taken from Madagascar to a New York lab. 这个奇怪生物的化石头颅是在马达加斯加岛一块岩石中被偶然发现的,然后被送往纽约一所实验室。 [04:32.72]The scientists who discovered it have called it Vintana Sertici. 发现这块化石的科学家称之为Vintana Sertici, [04:37.49]They say it was about twice the size of a modern groundhog, have large eyes to see in low light and a downturned snout like a walrus. 他们说该生物的体型是现代土拨鼠的两倍,大大的眼睛能在弱光下看清楚,有着像海象一样往下翻的鼻子。 [04:46.62]Its existence means that mammals must have evolved millions of years earlier than previously thought. 该化石的发现意味着哺乳动物的演化肯定比我们之前认为的还要早几百万年。 [04:52.49]It's already been heralded as the discovery of a decade in the field of early mammal history.BBC News. 该发现被认为是10年来早期哺乳动物历史界的一大发现。BBC新闻。