[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.83] academic adj.学术的;理论的;学院的 [00:08.28] The academic year begins when school opens in September. 学年是从学校九月开学时开始。 [00:14.67] ahead adj.向前;在前的;领先adv.向前的;领先的 [00:17.56] Tom was a quick walker, so he soon got ahead of the others. 汤姆走得快,所以不久他就走到别人前头去了。 [00:24.30] attraction n.吸引,吸引力;引力;吸引人的事物 [00:27.32] He cannot resist the attraction of the sea in hot weather. 他无法抵抗在炎热的天气时海的诱惑力。 [00:33.93] blaze n.火焰,烈火;光辉 [00:37.04] I put some wood on the fire and it soon burst into a blaze. 我把一些木柴放在火中,很快就成了熊熊烈火。 [00:43.63] challenge vt.向…挑战 [00:46.92] I challenged him to a game of tennis. 我提出与他打一场网球。 [00:52.41] commit vt.犯罪,做错事;把...交托给 [00:55.64] A man who steals commits a crime. 一个盗窃犯。 [01:00.79] He committed himself to the doctor's care. 他将自己委托给医生照顾。 [01:06.56] congress n.国会;代表大会;会议 [01:09.60] In some countries, the congress is composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives. 在有些国家,国会是由参议院和众议院组成。 [01:17.72] correction n.改正,修正 [01:21.00] Teachers usually make corrections in red ink. 教师通常用红墨水批改。 [01:26.49] damp n.潮湿,湿气adj.潮湿的 [01:29.16] If you sleep between damp sheets, you will probably catch cold. 如果你睡在潮湿的被单里,就可能会感冒。 [01:35.07] demand vt.要求;需要;查询vi.需要;请求;查问 [01:37.88] This sort of work demands great patience. 这种工作需要很大的耐心 [01:43.13] ......Part 2...... ......第二部分...... [01:47.19] disappoint vt.使失望 [01:50.04] I was disappointed when I heard you couldn't come to the party. 当我听说你不能来参加宴会时,感到很失望。 [01:56.09] drown vt.淹没;把…淹死vi.淹死;溺死 [01:59.36] The fisherman almost got drowned when his boat was overturned. 当那个渔民的船翻后他几乎淹死了。 [02:06.11] encourage vt.鼓励,怂恿;激励;支持 [02:09.52] The teacher's praise encouraged the students to study hard. 老师的表扬鼓励学生们努力学习。 [02:15.68] evident adj.明显的;明白的 [02:18.88] It is now evident that, if I don't study hard, I will fail the course. 现在是明显的,如果我不用功学习,我这门课就会不及格。 [02:26.55] fable n.寓言;无稽之谈 [02:29.08] He read stories to the children from an old book of fables. 他从一本写寓言的旧书上读故事给孩子们听。 [02:35.20] firm adj.坚定的;牢固的;严格的;结实的 [02:37.96] We build houses on firm ground. 我们建造的房子在坚固的地面上。 [02:42.87] frequent adj.频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的vt.常到,常去 [02:46.16] Sudden rainstorms are frequent on this coast. 这海岸时常有突然的暴风雨。 [02:51.71] genius n.天才,天赋;精神 [02:55.16] Important discoveries and inventions are usually made by man of genius. 重要的发现和发明通常是由有天赋的人所为。 [03:02.72] harbor n.海港;避难所 [03:05.72] The ship is in the harbor of New York. 这艘船停在纽约的海港。 [03:10.42] howl vt.狂喊着说;对…吼叫vi.咆哮;怒吼;狂吠 [03:13.28] The dog were howling at the stranger. 那只狗正向那陌生人咆哮着。 [03:17.85] ......Part 3...... ......第三部分...... [03:20.87] infamous adj.声名狼藉的;无耻的;臭名昭著的 [03:23.64] Everybody doesn't like him because he is an infamous liar. 每个人都不喜欢他,因为他是一个臭名昭著的骗子。 [03:29.12] introduce vt.介绍;引进;提出;采用 [03:31.88] The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience. 主席将演讲者介绍给听众。 [03:36.92] labor n.劳动;工作;劳工 [03:39.72] The majority of the men earn their living by manual labor. 大多数人靠他们的体力劳动谋生。 [03:44.78] lid n.盖子;眼睑 [03:47.48] Do not open the lid of the stove. 不要打开炉子上的盖子。 [03:51.20] majority n.多数;成年 [03:54.36] The majority people prefer peace to war. 大多数人喜欢和平,不喜欢战争。 [03:59.85] mercy n.仁慈,宽容;怜悯 [04:02.52] He showed mercy to his enemies and let them live. 他怜悯他的敌人,让他们活着。 [04:07.97] moral n.道德;寓意adj.道德的;精神上的 [04:11.24] The teacher felt a moral responsibility for the student's crime. 老师负有道德责任感作为学生的犯罪。 [04:17.54] nod vt.点头;点头表示vi.点头 [04:20.24] The president nodded and everyone sat down around the table. 董事长点了头,每个人都围着桌子坐下。 [04:26.32] operate vt.操作;经营;对…开刀vi.运转;动手术 [04:29.64] The machine operates day and night. 这台机器在日夜的运转。 [04:34.64] painful adj.痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的 [04:37.68] He had a painful cut on his thumb. 他大拇指上有伤口,很疼。 [04:42.44] ......Part 4...... ......第四部分...... [04:45.58] pearl n.珍珠;珍珠色;杰出者;珍品 [04:47.92] The natural pearl is much more expensive than a cultured one. 天然珍珠比人工培养的珍珠贵得多。 [04:54.43] pitch vt.投;掷vi.倾斜;投掷;搭帐篷 [04:57.32] Every child likes to pitch stones into a lake. 每个孩子都喜欢将石子投入湖中。 [05:02.02] We pitched our tent under the tree. 我们在树下搭帐篷。 [05:06.68] precious adj.宝贵的;珍贵的 [05:09.76] Time is precious, do not waste it on worthless deeds. 时间是宝贵的,不要把它浪费在无价值的行动上。 [05:16.64] property n 性质,性能;财产 [05:19.80] The police found some stolen property hidden in the thief's house. 警察发现了一些被盗的财物藏在小偷的家里。 [05:26.13] rage n.愤怒;狂暴;情绪激动vi.大怒,发怒 [05:28.84] He flew into a rage when he found they had gone without him. 当他发现他们已不辞而别时勃然大怒。 [05:34.52] relieve vt.解除,减轻;使放心 [05:37.52] The medicine will soon relieve your headache. 那药很快就会减轻你的头痛。 [05:42.05] We were relieved to hear that you have arrived safely. 听到你已安全到达我们放心了。 [05:48.08] restless adj.焦躁不安的;不安宁的 [05:51.28] He couldn't sit still, he was very restless. 他不能静静地坐着,他很不安。 [05:56.93] rug n.小地毯;毛皮地毯 [05:59.60] There were several small rugs in the living room. 客厅里有几块小地毯。 [06:04.39] scout n.搜索,侦察;侦察员;侦察机 [06:07.04] The scouts went out during the night. 侦察兵在夜晚的时候出去。 [06:10.88] shame n.羞耻,羞愧;憾事 [06:13.64] She felt shame at having been so thoughtless. 她曾如此轻率感到惭愧。 [06:18.61] ......Part 5...... ......第五部分...... [06:22.22] sketch n.素描;略图;草案 [06:24.80] He gave me a sketch of his plans for the expedition. 他给了我一份他探险计划的草案。 [06:30.15] sound n.声音,语音adj.健全的,健康的 [06:33.08] He has a sound body, he is in healthy condition. 他有健康的身体,他的健康状况良好。 [06:38.40] They heard the sound of the train whistle. 他们听到火车的鸣笛声。 [06:42.66] spy n.间谍;密探vt.侦察;发现vi.侦察;当间谍 [06:44.96] The spy reported the development of a new weapon. 那个间谍报告了一种新型武器的进展。 [06:49.50] His job was to spy on the enemy. 他的工作是侦察敌军。 [06:54.12] storage n.存储;仓库;贮藏所 [06:57.36] A cold storage is used to keep eggs and meat from spoiling. 冷藏库是用来防止蛋和肉腐坏的。 [07:03.86] summon vt.召唤;召集;鼓起;振作 [07:07.32] They were summoned to the bed-side of their dying father. 他们被召集到临终的父亲的床边。 [07:12.87] tame vt.驯养;使变得平淡;制服vi.变得驯服 [07:15.72] It is not difficult to ride a tame horse. 骑驯服的马不难。 [07:20.56] He tamed the lions for the circus. 他为马戏团驯服狮子。 [07:25.27] thrust vt.插;插入;推挤vi.插入 [07:28.40] Jack thrust his hands into his pockets. 杰克把两手插进衣袋里。 [07:33.13] trap n.陷阱;圈套 [07:35.60] The police set a trap to catch the escaped prisoner. 警察设下圈套捕捉逃犯。 [07:41.72] vaccinate vt.给…注射疫苗vi.接种疫苗 [07:45.44] He was vaccinated against several diseases at one time. 他接种一次的疫苗可抵抗好几种疾病。 [07:51.87] wage n.工资;代价;报偿 [07:54.52] His wage is 30 dollars a week. 他的工资是一个星期30美元。 [07:59.41] witness n.证人;目击者;证据vt.目击;证明;为…作证 [08:02.40] The boy witnessed the accident. 那男孩子目睹了意外事故。 [08:06.42] He made the remark in the presence of several witnesses. 他说这番话有几个证人在场。