[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:07.08] altar  n. 神坛 [00:09.94] The woman knelt before the altar to pray to God for her son's safe return. 那妇人跪在神坛前面,祈求上苍保佑她的儿子能平安归来。 [00:14.64] alter  v. 改变 [00:16.68] If it rains, we have to alter our plan to have a picnic on Sunday. 如果星期天下雨,我们就得改变野餐的计划。 [00:22.02] ascent  n. 攀登;上升 [00:25.00] Chinese mountain climbers made a successful ascent of Mt. McKinley in North America. 中国登山者成功地攀登了北美的麦金利山。 [00:31.68] assent  n. 同意 [00:34.54] I won't given assent to her plan because it is not well prepared. 我不会同意她的计划,因为计划未准备充分。 [00:39.78] cannon  n. 大炮 [00:42.06] There are several old cannons on the wall of the castle. 城堡的墙上有几座古老的大炮。 [00:46.73] canon  n. 教规 [00:49.34] This canon has been enacted by the church council very recently. 教会就在最近通过这条教规。 [00:54.52] canvas  n. 帆布 [00:57.06] The tops of my sneakers are made of canvas. 我的运动鞋的上部是用帆布做成的。 [01:01.37] canvass  n. 招待(顾客)兜售 [01:04.03] The salesman canvassed the whole city for subscriptions of the magazine. 推销员走遍全城找人订阅杂志。 [01:09.94] cession  n. 割让 [01:12.40] The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war. 困为他们输了这场战争,割让领土是无法避免的。 [01:18.98] session  n. (会议等的)开会;开庭 [01:21.95] Be seated! The court is now in session. 请坐好!法庭现在开庭。 [01:26.36] ......Part 2...... ......第二部分...... [01:29.97] faint  v.昏厥 adj.模糊的 [01:32.18] The soldier fainted at the sight of his own blood. 那士兵一看到自己的血就昏倒了。 [01:36.29] The color became faint as the sun set. 太阳下山后,颜色变得模糊不清。 [01:41.44] feint  v. 作假击 [01:44.88] He feinted with his left hand and hit me with his right. 他用左手虚晃一招而用右手打我。 [01:48.95] intension  n. 激烈 [01:52.46] In recent years there has been an intension of the struggle for political power in the country. 最近几年来这个国家中争夺政治势力的情形愈演愈烈。 [02:00.11] intention  n. 意图 [02:02.96] She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn't my intention to hurt her. 我的评论使她受挫,便我无意去伤害她。 [02:08.93] pray  v. 祈祷 [02:12.70] There is nothing that we can do now but pray God helps us in our troubles. 现在除了祈求上帝帮助我们度过难关外,就别无他法了。 [02:17.78] prey  n. 被捕食之物 [02:20.34] The lion seized its prey and ate it. 狮子捕食了它的猎物。 [02:24.75] principal  adj.首要的。 n.中小学校长 [02:26.97] Chicago is the principal city in the Midwest of the United States. 芝加哥是美国中西部首要的城市。 [02:32.06] The principal told the teachers to dismiss school during the heavy snowstorm. 校长告诉老师们,暴风雪时学校停课。 [02:39.54] principle  n. 基本信条;真谛 [02:42.50] This country was founded on the principle of individual freedom for all. 这个国家以全民自由的信条而立国。 [02:48.44] stationary  adj. 固定的 [02:51.60] The population of France remained stationary almost for a century. 近一世纪来,法国的人口并无增减。 [02:57.13] stationery  n. 文具 [03:00.70] Herbert bought a notebook at the stationery store. 赫伯特在文具店买了一本笔记本。 [03:05.74] ......Part 3...... ......第三部分...... [03:09.93] address  n. 地址 v. 发表演说 [03:11.38] Please write your name and address on this paper. 请在纸上写下姓名和地址。 [03:15.86] The President addressed the nation on the subject of war and peace. 总统就战争与和平为主题,对全国发表演说。 [03:25.11] attribute  n. 性质 [03:28.37] Darkness is an attribute of night, as brightness is that of day. 黑暗是夜晚的本质,而白昼的本质是光明。 [03:34.85] attribute v. 归因 [03:37.11] We attribute Edison's success to intelligence and hard work. 我们将爱迪生的成功归因于天分与努力。 [03:42.97] committee  n. 委员会 [03:45.67] The teachers appointed a committee of five members to plan the class picnic. 教师指定由五人组成的委员会计划班级野餐。 [03:53.59] committee n. 管财人 [03:57.78] The court appointed Mr. Lansing as the committee that would take care of the boy's property. 法院指定蓝辛管理那男孩的财产。 [04:06.23] concert  n. 音乐会 [04:10.96] She likes music very much;she never misses a concert. 她很喜欢音乐,从来不会错过任何一场音乐会。 [04:16.57] concert v. 协同工作 [04:20.49] We concerted on the most proper methods for speedily executing the manager's instructions. 我们合作出最好的方法,以便迅速地执行经理的指示。 [04:26.85] content v. 使满意 [04:31.42] I tried but couldn't understand the content of his speech. 我试着去了解他演讲的内容,但还是不懂。 [04:37.70] content v. 使满意 [04:41.13] John contented himself with two glasses of beer even though he could have had more. 约翰在喝了两杯啤酒之后就满足了,虽然他还可以多喝。 [04:48.04] ......Part 4...... ......第四部分...... [04:51.96] converse  n. 相反的事物 [04:55.44] "Honest but poor" is the converse of "poor but honest". “诚实而穷”是“穷而诚实”的反语。 [05:02.30] converse v. 谈话 [05:04.64] He conversed with his wife about the summer vacation. 他和妻子谈论暑假。 [05:09.10] desert  n. 沙漠 [05:12.65] The Sahara is a great desert in the northern part of Africa. 撒哈拉沙漠是位于北非的大沙漠。 [05:18.94] desert v. 舍弃 [05:22.29] After the family deserted the farm, its buildings fell to ruin. 在这家人舍弃农场之后,建筑物都成了废墟。 [05:27.56] digest  n. 摘要 [05:29.80] The publisher decided to publish a digest of international law. 出版商决定出版一本国际法摘要。 [05:35.08] digest v. 消化 [05:37.84] I like milk very much, but I can't digest it very well. 我很喜欢牛奶,却不容易消化。 [05:43.46] instinct  n. 本能 [05:47.47] Most animals have an instinct to protect their young. 保护幼小动物是大部分动物的本能。 [05:52.03] instinct adj. 充满的 [05:56.16] Her face was instinct with benevolence and kindness. 她的神色充满了仁慈。 [06:00.37] intimate  adj. 亲密的 [06:04.63] Although the governor knew many people, he had few intimate friends. 州长虽然认识很多人,却没有几个密友。 [06:10.81] intimate v. 暗示 [06:14.04] He intimated that he was dissatisfied with his job. 他暗示他不满意他的工作。 [06:19.39] ......Part 5...... ......第五部分...... [06:23.34] minute  n. 分 [06:26.84] The train arrived at exactly four minutes past eight. 火车刚好八点四分到达。 [06:31.84] minute adj. 微小的 [06:33.72] There has been a minute improvement in the working conditions of the factory. 工厂的工作情形已有微小的改善。 [06:39.60] object  n. 物体 [06:43.07] A dark object moved between me and the door. 有一个黑色的物体在我和门之间移动。 [06:47.38] object v. 反对 [06:50.95] Do you object to my smoking in this room? 你反对我在房间内吸烟吗? [06:54.78] refuse  v. 拒绝 [06:59.12] He asked her to marry him but she refused. 他向她求婚,但她拒绝了。 [07:03.60] refuse n. 拉圾 [07:06.20] The street-cleaning department took away all refuse from the street. 清洁队收走街上所有的垃圾。 [07:11.77] tear  n. 泪 [07:15.13] The little girl was in tears because she'd lost her mother. 小女孩因失去了母亲而哭了。 [07:19.65] tear v. 撕 [07:23.10] Don't tear up paper;put it in the waste basket. 不要撕纸,把它放进垃圾桶。 [07:27.64] used  adj. 用旧了的 [07:29.63] The janitor removed used towels from the rack. 公寓管理员把旧毛巾从架子上移开。 [07:32.92] used adj. 习惯于 [07:36.29] It took long to get used to foreign food. 要习惯他国的饮食需要一段很长的时间。