[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.04]Everybody hates the Upper East Side. They wanna live on the West Side. 大家都说自己不爱住上东区,他们想住西区。 [00:05.16]But when it's resale time the East Side moves all the time. 不过相信我当卖房子的时候,东区的房子最好卖。 [00:09.40]I mean what have you got on the West Side? Sean and Madonna? 你想想看西区是谁在住?谁想跟西恩潘和麦当娜做邻居。 [00:15.35]Trust me. Massage, sauna, Jacuzzi...tanning salon. Best schools in the city. 这里有按摩、蒸汽浴、按摩浴缸、日晒沙龙、全市最好的学校。 [00:22.55]You know a cute young boy like you gotta think of a future lady friend in your life...when you've finished wolfing around. 像你这种可爱的年青人当然会为未来做打算。等你鬼混够了之后,也会想找个女主人定下来。 [00:30.21]'Course, I'm taken. Oak..strip floors. 当然,我已经结婚了。橡木地板…… [00:34.39]My husband can get you a 10% mortgage. 我老公可以替你争取到利率10%的贷款, [00:36.58]I would do it myself, except I'm into four other deals right now. 我本来可以自己帮你的,但我还有四件别的生意, [00:40.38]So, I got a four o'clock and a five. 我四点和五点约了客户看房, [00:43.08]One's an all-cash type. Monique something or other. 其中有一个很阔气,只花现金,叫什么莫妮卡的, [00:47.37]Look, maybe you'd like to see something cheaper that I got on First Avenue? 还是你想看便宜一点的?我在第一大道还有房子。 [00:51.35]Honey, the meter's running. Anybody home? 甜心,我的时间是很宝贵的,你说话啊? [00:57.33]All right. Offer 950. 好,我出价950。