[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:01.08]Ah, so, Ruth, we are both teachers. 鲁斯,我们两人都是老师。 [00:04.29]That's right. 没错。 [00:05.13]And we have students and we teach our students English, and English is not their first language, 我们都在教学生,我们教学生英语,英语并不是这些学生的母语, [00:11.38]what do you do in class when students do not speak English? When they speak their own language instead? 如果学生在课堂上不讲英语你会做什么呢?要是他们用母语讲话怎么办? [00:18.22]Firstly, I give them a stern look, although that doesn't always work, 首先,我会用严厉的目光看他们,虽然这并不太管用, [00:23.14]then, well, if I'm setting an activity, I always make sure that, I ask them first of all which language they are going to do the activity in, 之后如果我要设置活动,我会确保首先规定他们在活动中要使用的语言, [00:34.27]and any student who's not going to speak English has to put their hand up 任何不说英语的学生都必须把手举起来, [00:38.18]and generally students don't like to be the odd one out so they don't put their hand up. 通常来说学生们不喜欢当另类,所以他们不会把手举起来。 [00:43.28]That's a pretty good strategy. 那真是一个很棒的策略。 [00:45.13]What do you do? 你会怎么做? [00:46.25]Um, well, I don't know, I mean, I haven't had much success really, so I've actually been pretty casual about it. 嗯,我也不知道,我的意思是我其实没有太多成功的经验,我对这种事情的处理很随意。 [00:55.05]I just let them speak occasionally to each other in their own language. 我会允许他们偶尔用母语交流。 [01:00.05]Really? 真的吗? [01:00.36]Yeah, and then, I just encourage that they speak English 对,然后我会鼓励他们说英语, [01:03.24]but I figure as long as their trying to speak in English and they do the majority of it in English, 我认为至少他们有努力尝试用英语讲话,他们大部分时间都在用英语讲话, [01:09.51]that when they have to speak a little bit of their language, that's OK, I mean, as long as it's quick, and.. 所以他们有段时间用自己的母语说话,我觉得也是可以的。我的意思是,只要时间不是太长还有…… [01:16.28]I really think English should be the only language they speak in class if they're learning English. 我认为,如果他们在学习英语,那英语就应该是他们在课堂上唯一可以使用的语言。 [01:22.18]But don't you think that that just too hard, that maybe that actually brings them down, they strain too hard, 可是你不认为那太难了吗,那可能会让他们受挫,他们会有很大压力, [01:29.43]that sometimes it's just easier for them to communicate really quickly, and then switch back to English. 有时对他们来说快速地用母语沟通一下会更简单,然后再换回英语交流就好了。 [01:34.49]I think it's really good for them to, I think as a challenge. 我认为这对他们有好处,那是一种挑战。 [01:38.41]I'm not saying it's easy for them, 我并不是说对他们来说很容易, [01:40.13]but I do think it's good for them, and I think it helps their English to improve more quickly. 但是我认为这对他们有好处,我想这会帮助他们的英语水平快速进步。 [01:45.39]Yeah, I guess. Maybe I should try it. 这我同意。也许我应该尝试一下。 [01:47.50]I'll give it a try, but it might be too late cause I've already let them, you know, not do it, so! 我会试试的,不过现在可能太迟了,因为你知道,我已经让他们不必这么做了。 [01:54.16]So do you think you might start this week? 那你从这周开始要求他们怎么样? [01:56.33]I'll try, but I have to be careful because I don't want to shock them too much. 我会尝试的,不过我必须要谨慎,因为我不想让他们太震惊。