[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.30]One of the reasons our Unix systems are ideally suited to power the Extended Enterprise is our ability to guarantee 99.95 percent up time. 我们的UNIX系统之所以特别适合扩展型企业,原因之一是我们能确保99.95%的开机率。 [00:13.55]We're the only company in the industry that can make that guarantee. 我们是业界唯一可做此保证的公司。 [00:19.14]Delivering 99.95-percent uptime translates to just four hours of unplanned downtime a year. 开机正常运行时间多达99.95%,意味着一年的意外停机时间仅为四个小时。 [00:29.30]The next best offer in the industry — 99.5 percent of time — equals 44 hours of unplanned downtime a year. 而业内仅次于我们的最佳开机率为99.5%,相当于每年的意外停机时间为44小时。 [00:42.01]In the past year, we have accelerated our product-development efforts. 去年,我们加大了产品开发的力度。 [00:46.50]The result is a Unix roadmap that we believe will keep us in a clear position of leadership. 其结果是我们制定了UNIX开发蓝图,我们认为这将使我们明显地处于领先的地位。 [00:55.05]The V2250 systems we introduced earlier this month are based on our new, 240 MHz PA-RISC processor. 本月早些时候我们推出了基于新型的240 MHz PA-RISC处理器的V2250系统。 [01:03.54]They are the world's fastest single-processor Unix servers — 它们是目前世界上最快的单处理器UNIX服务器, [01:08.38]ideally suited for mission-critical and technical applications. 适用于关键业务和技术应用程序。 [01:14.09]We expect to double high-end single-system performance each year. 我们希望,每年都能将高端单一系统的性能翻一番。 [01:19.06]That means that today's high-end of a V-Class system will be the midrange of our family by the year 2000.Furthermore, 这意味着,到2000年,今天的V系列系统高端将成为我们系列中的中档产品。 [01:30.26]we plan to take today's 99.95 percent availability guarantee and push that up to 99.999 — 其次,我们计划,到2000年,将现在的99.95%的开机率提髙到99.999%—— [01:40.00]5 minutes of unplanned downtime per year — by the year 2000. 达到每年意外停机仅有五分钟。 [01:50.47]We call this our "5nines:5minutes" vision, 我们称其为“五个9:五分钟”目标, [01:52.56]and we have succeeded in getting two powerful industry leaders — Cisco and Oracle — to embrace this vision and work with us to achieve it. 我们已与业界两个颇具实力的领先者——思科公司和甲骨文公司达成共识,为实现这一目标而共同奋斗。