[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.25]In the area of messaging, HP is working with Microsoft on interoperability between HP OpenMail — our messaging backbone product — and Microsoft Exchange. 在信息接发方面,目前惠普正与微软研发OpenMai与Microsoft Exchange之间的互用性。其中OpenMai是我公司的主干产品。 [00:13.03]And finally, we're working on customer-specific solutions in our Enterprise Solution Center, 最后,我们的企业解决方案中心正在研制以客户为主的解决方案, [00:19.33]and we're collaborating on platforms geared to the particular needs of the telecom industry and small businesses. 协作侧重在电信业和小型企业需要的各类平台方面。 [00:28.56]In 1997, HP helped to develop with the long distance service of China Telecom a network management system using HP OpenView 1997年,中国邮电电信总局长途电话网三期网管工程采用惠普的OpenView作为网管系统, [00:39.31]which links over 400 switches across China. 对遍布中国的400多台长途交换机加强监测与控制。 [00:43.57]This key connection between China and the rest of the world is powered by HP 9000 servers and workstations. 将中国和世界各地连在一起的系统正是由HP 9000服务器和工作站驱动的。 [00:53.29]So... we have a firm commitment to integrating the Unix and NT environments... 因此,我们承诺可确保UNIX和NT环境的结合, [00:59.14]and lots of development efforts and results to show we're serious. 我们的一系列开发努力和成果也表明我们在这方面是严肃认真的。 [01:05.13]With that caveat, I'd like to talk in more detail about our Unix systems and our PCs separately, 做了这番解释后,我打算分别详细地谈一谈我们的UNIX系统和PC机, [01:12.53]and how we are working to provide the performance customers require for their Extended Enterprise infrastructure. 以及我们如何提供客户需要的扩展型企业基础结构性能。 [01:22.02]HP has a depth of expertise in Unix. 惠普在UNIX方面具有精深的专门技术。 [01:25.35]We continue to be the number one commercial Unix server vendor, as measured by revenue, 根据我们的总收入,目前我们仍是最大的商用UNIX服务器供应商, [01:31.31]and we continue to gain market share. 我们的市场份额仍在增加。 [01:35.35]When you add in the disk drives, consulting, support, and all the things wrapped around our Unix servers, 如果加上磁盘驱动器、咨询、技术支持以及与UNIX服务器相关的所有事项, [01:43.55]they represent a $10 billion business for HP in terms of annual revenue. 惠普的年收入高达100亿美元。 [01:50.52]So our commitment to the business is strong. 所以,我们对业界的承诺是可信的。