[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:03.46]be down in the mouth 垂头丧气 [00:07.97]dialogue 对话 [00:10.20]It's great to meet you, Susie. I've been longing to meet a sociology student on the campus. I'd love to have a talk with you and pick your brains. 苏西,遇到你真是太好了。我一直希望在校园 里遇到一个社会学系的学生。我很想和你谈谈 并且向你请教。 [00:20.96]It's my pleasure to meet a psychology student,actually. There are many things I seem to be unable to understand. For instance, why should we sometimes be down in the mouth while at other times we are in the seventh heaven? 事实上遇到一个心理学系的学生也是我的运 气。我有很多事情难以理解。比如,为什么我 们有时垂头丧气,而有时却十分高兴? [00:36.51]That's a good question. This usually has something to do with self-satisfaction. If you're not satisfied with something, you are down in the mouth and in low spirits. And if you are satisfied with something , you may become excited or be beside yourself. A:问得好。这通常和自我满足有关。如果你对某 事并不满意,你就会垂头丧气,情绪低落。而如 果你对某事感到满意,你就会情绪高涨,不能自已。 But that depends on how you look at things, doesn't it? So it's personal rather than social. 这就看你凡事怎样想了,对吗?所以这个问题是个体的,而不是社会的。