[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00] Unit 11 Conversation 2 单元十一 对话二 [00:06.97] Have you seen it yet? 你已经看过它了吗? [00:09.00] A: Sorry, I'm late. Have you been waiting long? 对不起,我迟到了。你已经等了多长时间了? [00:12.60] B: No, I have just arrived. By the way, which movie do you want to see? 不,我刚到。顺便问一下,你想要看哪部电影? [00:17.30] A: I've heard good things about Harry Poter. Have you seen it yet? 我听说了关于哈利波特的好消息。你已经看过它了吗? [00:21.00] B: Yeah, I've already seen it. It's the best I've ever seen. 是的,我已经看过它了。它是我看过电影中最好的。 [00:25.00] A: Hmm...there is a new Jim Carrey movie. He's a funny guy! I like him a lot but I haven't seen the movie yet. 嗯……有一部新的金·凯瑞德电影,他是一个有趣的人!我很喜欢他但是我还没有看过一部他的电影。 [00:32.70] B: Well, actually I saw it when it first came out. 好的,事实上当它首次上映时我看过它。 [00:36.00] A: Have you (seen) all of the movies? Then why did you want to meet me at the theatre? 你已经看过所有的电影了吗?那为什么你想要和我在影院见面?