[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00] Unit4 Conversation2 单元四 对话二 [00:06.94] Why don't you take some aspirin? 为什么你不服一些阿司匹林? [00:10.00] A: Are you OK? You look a little pale. 你还好吗?你看起来脸色有点苍白。 [00:14.00] B: I have terrible pain in my ankle. I sprained it when I went cycling yesterday. 我的脚踝疼得厉害。当我昨天骑自行车时扭伤了它。 [00:19.30] A: That's too bad. I think you shouldn't go out today. 那太倒霉了。我想你今天不应该出去。 [00:23.00] B: Yeah, you're probably right. 是的,你可能是对的。 [00:25.70] A: Why don't you take some aspirin? 为什么你不服一些阿司匹林? [00:27.70] B: Aspirin makes my stomach feel funny. 阿司匹林使我的胃感到怪怪的。 [00:30.20] A: How about using the heating pad? 使用加热垫怎么样? [00:32.60] B: Oh, that will make my ankle feel better. 哦,那回事我的脚踝感觉好点。 [00:35.30] A: Also, you should drink some warm milk to help you relax. 而且,你应该喝些热牛奶有助于你放松。