[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00] Unit 15 Conversation 1 单元十五 对话一 [00:08.73] If I were you, I would take the scholarship. 如果我是你,我将会拿奖学金。 [00:12.00] A: Hey, I hear you got accepted to graduate school. 嘿,我听说被研究院录取了。 [00:16.20] B: Yeah. I got into Harvard and MIT. 是的,我考进了哈佛大学和麻省理工学院。 [00:19.50] A: Congratulations. So, where are you going to go? 恭喜你。那么,你打算要去哪里? [00:23.60] B: I don't know. I got a full scholarship to Harvard, but I think MIT has a better engineering department. 我不知道。去哈佛我会有一个全额奖学金,但是我认为麻省理工学院有一个更好的工程专业。 [00:30.60] A: Well, if I were you, I would take the scholarship. 嗯,如果我是你,我将会拿奖学金。 [00:34.10] B: Yeah, that would be great. But then, everybody I know is going to MIT. 是的,那将会很棒。但是那是,我认识的每个人都要去麻省理工学院。 [00:39.00] A: Oh, if I were you, I wouldn't worry about that. You can make new friends. Anyway, I might go to Harvard next year if I get accepted. 哦, 如果我是你,我不会担心。你会有新朋友。不管怎样,如果我被录取,明年就可能会去哈佛大学。