[00:05.72] He always brags about his achievements. 他时常炫耀他(取得)的成就。 [00:11.08] He is so careless that no one wants to work with him. 他如此粗心以致无人愿意和他共事。 [00:18.00] You should not say bad words about your colleagues behind their back. 你不应该在背后说同事的坏话。 [00:25.76] Mutual respect is vital in establishing relationship with others. 相互尊重在和别人建立关系过程中至关重要。 [00:34.16] The relationship among colleagues is more complicated than the campus relationship. 同事之间的关系较同学关系复杂得多。 [00:41.64] He is the soul of the team. 他是团队的灵魂。 [00:45.80] A competent colleague sometimes poses threat to you. 有能力的同事有时对你是一种威胁。 [00:52.72] The members of our office get along like a family. 我们办公室的同事亲如一家。 [00:59.28] He is younger than his age,but he is quite professional. 看上去他比(实际年龄)年轻,但是他非常内行。 [01:06.16] My colleague Todd is much of a friend and he is ready to help me any time. 我的同事托德真的是个好朋友,他随时都准备帮助我。 [01:15.16] A good colleague is supposed to be efficient and cooperative. 好的同事应该是有效率且有合作精神的。 [01:22.44] Working in a project is a good practice of team spirit. 在同一个项目工作是团队精神的最好锻炼。