[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00] Unit 3 Conversation 2 单元三 对话二 [00:07.88] That's what you always wanted to do. 那是你一直想要去做的事情。 [00:10.60] A: Only two months to go. What are you going to do after you graduate? 只有2个月就离开了。毕业后你要做什么? [00:16.00] B: I'm going to go to graduate school. 我要去研究生院。 [00:18.30] A: Really? Tat's what you have always wanted to do. So what are you going to study? 那是你一直想要去做的事情。那么你准备学习什么? [00:23.60] B: I'm planning to study architecture. What about you? 我打算学习建筑学。你呢? [00:27.00] A: I'm not going to get a job right away. I plan to spend some time traveling. 我不想要立马找工作,我准备花点时间旅游。 [00:31.80] B: Where will you travel to? 你要去哪里旅游? [00:33.20] A: I haven't decided yet, but I am supposed to visit my cousin in Florida. 我还没有决定,但是我应该会去佛罗里达拜访我的表弟。 [00:37.60] A: That will be good for you. 那会对你好的。