[00:11.00] If you ain't got two kids by 21, you're probably gonna die alone. 如果你到了21岁还没有生两个小孩的话,你可能就会孤独终老。 [00:18.05] At least that's what tradition told you. 至少传统都是这样教你的。 [00:22.38] And it don't matter if you don't believe. 如果你不相信,那么这个也就不重要。 [00:26.18] Come Sunday morning you best be there in the front row, like you're supposed to. 礼拜天早上,你最好来到第一排,就像你应该的那样。 [00:34.33] Same hurt in every heart. Same trailer, different park. 每颗心都受到了同样的伤害。每个公园都有一样的推车。 [00:43.40] Mamas hooked on Mary Kay. Brothers hooked on Mary Jane. 妈妈迷上了玫凯琳。兄弟迷上了大麻烟。 [00:50.59] And Daddies hooked on Mary two doors down. 爸爸迷上了下隔壁第二家的玛丽。 [00:55.38] Mary, Mary quite contrary, we get bored so we get married. And just like dust, we settle in this town. 玛丽,玛丽啊,恰恰相反。我们觉得无聊,所以结婚了。如尘埃一般,我们在这座镇上无足轻重地定居了。 [01:06.08] On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go. 坐在破败的旋转木马上,我们转啊转。 [01:12.78] Where it stops nobody knows...And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round... 有谁知道它何时会停……何况,它从来没有减速过,这旋转木马啊…… [01:27.20] We think the first time's good enough. So we hold on to high school love. Say we won't end up like our parents. 我们觉得第一次(见面)就足够好了。所以我们一直坚持着中学时的恋情。还说我们不会变成自己父母那样。 [01:37.44] Tiny little boxes in a row ain't what you want. It's what you know. 矮矮的房子像小盒子排成行,这不是你想要的。这你是知道的。 [01:43.54] Just happy in the shoes you're wearing. 对自己穿得鞋子感到很快乐。 [01:49.24] Same checks we're always cashing to buy a little more distraction. 我们总是兑换同样的支票(赚得钱总是不涨),花钱来使自己分心。 [01:58.88] Cause Mamas hooked on Mary Kay. Brothers hooked on Mary Jane. 妈妈迷上了玫凯琳。兄弟迷上了大麻烟。 [02:05.07] Daddies hooked on Mary two doors down. 爸爸迷上了下隔壁第二家的玛丽。 [02:09.86] Mary, Mary quite contrary, we get bored so we get married. And just like dust, we settle in this town. 玛丽,玛丽,恰恰相反。我们觉得无聊,所以结婚了。如尘埃一般,我们在这座镇上定居了。 [02:21.07] On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go, 坐在破败的旋转木马上,我们转啊转。 [02:27.32] Where we stop nobody knows...And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round... 有谁知道它何时会停……何况,它从来没有减速过,这旋转木马啊…… [02:46.57] Mary Mary quite contrary. We're so bored until we're buried. And just like dust, we settle in this town. 玛丽,玛丽啊,恰恰相反。我们一辈子都会这么无聊。如尘埃一般,我们在这座镇上定居了。 [02:57.26] On this broken merry go 'round...Merry go 'round... 坐在破败的旋转木马上……旋转木马啊…… [03:11.57] Jack and Jill went up the hill. Jack burned out on booze and pills. 少男少女爬上了山坡。(来源于儿歌《Jack and Jill》)男孩厌倦了酗酒和嗑药。 [03:17.12] And Mary had a little lamb. Mary just don't give a damn no more. 玛丽有一只小羊羔。(来源于儿歌《Mary had a little lamb》)玛丽只是不再抱怨了。