[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:06.20] access  n. 接近,使用权;通路 [00:08.40] The students have access to the library only in the afternoon. 学生们只有在下午可使用图书馆。 [00:13.72] excess  n. 过量 [00:16.32] Last year we had several floods; we had an excess of rain. 去年有几次洪水;我们的雨水过多了。 [00:22.39] adapt  v. 使适合;使适应 [00:25.68] Long ago Eskimos learned how to adapt to the cold to live in the Arctic Region. 很久以前爱斯基摩人学习如何去适应严寒,以住在北极地区。 [00:32.74] adopt  v. 采用;采纳 [00:35.20] The club adopted a new set of rules concerning its membership. 那俱乐部采用一套新的会员资格规定。 [00:40.44] adverse  adj. 有敌意的;敌动 [00:42.96] His adverse criticism didn't upset me, but encouraged me. 他恶意的批评并未使我气馁,相反地,反而激励我。 [00:48.35] averse  adj. 不愿意的;反对的 [00:50.54] My parents are averse to our picnic plan; they don't approve of it. 我的双亲反对我们的野餐计划;他们不同意这计划。 [00:55.97] affect  v. 影响 [00:58.48] The government decision whether to continue the project will affect the future of our national economy. 政府决定是否继续进行那项计划的,会影响我们国家未来的经济。 [01:05.32] effect  n. 结果 [01:07.75] I have warned him to drive slowly several times, but it doesn't have any effect at all. 我好几次警告他开慢一点,可是一点也没用。 [01:15.11] affectation  n. 虚饰;假装 [01:17.75] The new secretary is sincere and quite without affectation. 那位新秘书很真诚,且相当地不做作。 [01:22.95] affection  n. 爱 [01:25.33] His gentleness and kind ways increased his colleagues' affection for him. 他温柔且慈祥的态度增加同事们对他的好感。 [01:32.58] ......Part 2...... ......第二部分...... [01:35.51] allusion  n. 间接提及;暗示 [01:37.91] The preacher likes to make an allusion to Homer, while preaching. 那牧师在传道时喜欢间接提到荷马。 [01:43.94] illusion  n. 错觉;幻象 [01:46.51] The white walls create the illusion that the room is very large. 白色的墙壁制造错觉,好像房间很大。 [01:51.44] annual  adj. 一年一次的 [01:54.79] My birthday party is the biggest annual event of my family. 我的生日舞会是我家一年一度最盛大的事。 [01:59.47] annul  v. 取消;宣告作废 [02:01.79] The judge annulled the contract because one of the signers was too young. 由于签署人中有一位年纪太轻,法官宣告这个合同无效。 [02:07.90] apraise  v. 估价;评价 [02:10.17] The couple appraised the house carefully before offering to buy it. 那对夫妻在出价买那房子之前仔细地估价。 [02:15.82] apprise  v. 报告,通知 [02:18.91] The club members were immediately apprised of his change of plans. 俱乐部的会员们很快地注意到他计划的改变。 [02:24.53] argument  n. 辩论;争论 [02:27.51] We should try to settle the matter by argument, not by fighting. 我们该试图以辩论来解决这件事,而不是打架。 [02:33.76] augment  v. 增大;增加 [02:35.78] The king augmented his power by taking over rights that had belonged to the nobles. 国王接收贵族们的权力,以扩张他的仅力。 [02:42.39] assure  v. 使相信,使确信 [02:45.05] The man assured himself that the bridge was safe before crossing it. 在过桥前那人先确定那座桥是安全的。 [02:50.66] insure  v. 1 投保 2. 使确实 [02:53.47] He insured his car against accident, theft, and fire. 他给车子保意外险,失窃险和火险。 [02:58.57] Don't forget to check your work to insure its accuracy. 不要忘记检查你的工作,以确认无误。 [03:04.40] ......Part 3...... ......第三部分...... [03:08.23] bandage  n. 绷带 [03:10.25] The doctor tied up the patient's broken ankle with a bandage. 医生用绷带把病人摔断的脚踝包起来。 [03:15.03] bondage  n. 奴役;囚禁 [03:17.63] They seem to love bondage more than liberty. 他们好象爱奴役胜过自由。 [03:22.31] carton  n. 纸盒 [03:24.44] Pack the books in a small carton to carry it easily. 把书用的小纸盒包起来以易于携带 。 [03:29.03] cartoon  n. 漫画 [03:30.90] Political cartoons often represent the U. S as a tall man with chin whiskers, called Uncle sam. 政治性的漫画通常以一下下鄂有胡须叫山姆叔叔的高大男人代表美国。 [03:39.25] censor  n 1. 检查员(检查新闻,书籍,戏剧,电影,广播等) v. 2检查 [03:41.57] The novel was banned by the censor as likely to stir up suspicion of the government among the readers. 那本小说被检查员查禁,因为它会煽动读者对政府的怀疑。 [03:49.10] Every dictator censors the news papers in his country. 每个独裁者在他的国家内都会检查报纸。 [03:54.07] censure  v. 责难;非难 [03:56.47] The principal of the school censured the students for their rude behavior. 校长指责学生们无礼的行为。 [04:01.55] collision  n. 猛烈相撞 [04:04.10] Many people were killed in the collision between the bus and the car. 巴士和汽车相撞,许多人丧失了生命。 [04:09.36] collusion  n. 共谋;串骗;勾结 [04:11.53] The leaders of the collusion against the government were caught and punished. 阴谋反对政府的领导者被捉到且被惩罚。 [04:16.98] confidant  n. 密友;知己 [04:19.22] I have only one confidant to whom I can tell my secrets. 我只有一个可以诉说秘密的知己。 [04:23.51] confident  adj. 确信的 [04:25.76] The doctor felt confident that his patient would recover from pneumonia. 那医生确信他的病人的肺炎会康复。 [04:31.05] ......Part 4...... ......第四部分...... [04:34.23] consul  n. 领事 [04:36.52] I am swedish. Is there a swedish consul in Omaha? 我是瑞典人;俄马哈有没有瑞典领事? [04:42.11] council  n. 会议 [04:44.58] The council of ministers advised the king to dismiss the general. 内阁忠告国王开除那个将军。 [04:48.95] counsel  n. 1. 劝告;忠告 2 . 律师或法律顾问 [04:51.39] The young man refused to listen to the old man's counsel. 年轻人拒听那老人的忠告。 [04:55.50] The murder suspect refused to answer the questions on the advice of his counsel. 谋杀的嫌疑犯因其律师的建议而拒绝答复问题。 [05:01.65] dairy  n. 乳牛场 [05:03.61] The Hopkins run the biggest dairy farm in the state of Arizona. 霍布金斯家族经营亚利桑那州最大的乳牛场。 [05:09.39] diary  n. 日记 [05:11.85] It is very rewarding to keep a diary of daily happenings. 写日记记下每天发生的事是很有用的。 [05:16.55] decease  n. 死亡 [05:19.19] Upon his decease all his properties passed to his wife. 他死后所有的财产过继给太太。 [05:24.21] disease  n. 疾病 [05:26.10] Measles and chicken pox are two diseases of childhood. 麻疹和水痘是两种儿童疾病。 [05:30.89] decent  adj. 适合的 [05:33.10] It is not decent to laugh at a crippled person. 嘲笑一个跛脚的人是不对的。 [05:38.06] descent  n. 降下;降落 [05:39.71] The road makes a sharp descent just around the corner. 那条路在转角处造成一陡峻的斜坡。 [05:44.07] dissent  v. 1. 不同意 2异议 [05:46.63] The three justices dissented from the supreme Court's decision. 那三位法官不同意最高法庭的决定。 [05:52.95] Dissent among the senior members was the main cause of the disintegration of the club. 资深会员间的歧见是造成俱乐部分裂的主要原因。