[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.82] anaesthetic n.麻醉剂;麻药 [00:08.92] The use of anesthetics is less than a hundred years old. 麻醉剂的使用还不到一百年。 [00:13.30] beacon n.烽火;信号 [00:15.68] The fire on the hill was a beacon to the villagers that the enemy was coming. 山丘上的火是通知村民敌人来了的信号。 [00:21.71] coroner n.验尸官 [00:24.52] The coroner concluded that the death of the old woman was accidental. 验尸官断定那个妇人的死亡是意外的。 [00:29.76] duel n.决斗;相斗 [00:31.92] They decided to settle their quarrel by a duel. 他们决定以决斗来解决他们的纷争。 [00:36.00] graft v.嫁接 [00:38.99] Peach trees can be grafted on plum trees. 桃树可以被嫁接到梅树上。 [00:42.83] impersonal adj.一般人称的 [00:45.64] "First some, first served" is an impersonal remark. “先到,先得”是不以特定人为对象的语句。 [00:50.79] loom v.隐现;隐约可现 [00:52.88] A large iceberg loomed through the thick, gray fog. 从厚厚的,灰灰的雾中隐约可见一座大冰山。 [00:57.31] peal n.响声;很响的铃声 [00:59.56] As the speaker made a funny joke, peals of laughter rang through the auditorium. 当演说者说了一个有趣的笑话时,响亮的笑声传遍了礼堂 。 [01:05.47] roundup n.赶拢;驱集 [01:07.87] The missing cattle are discovered in the annual roundup. 遗失的牛在一年一度的驱集中被发现。 [01:12.56] straggle v.散开;迷途 [01:15.17] The cowboys worked all night to gather the cattle that had straggled behind the rest of the herd. 牧童们工作了整夜,以聚集那些离了队散落在后面的牛群。 [01:21.48] ulterior adj.隐密的;未揭露的。 [01:24.15] He was suspected of having ulterior motives for making his generous offer, but in fact his offer was from the bottom of his heart. 他的慷慨奉献被怀疑是有隐秘不明的动机,但是事实上他是出自内心的。 [01:33.89] ......Part 2...... ......第二部分...... [01:36.86] auction n.拍卖 [01:39.28] The old Chippendale chair was sold at a good price at the auction. 那把旧齐本德耳式椅子在拍卖时卖了很好的价钱。 [01:44.41] calligraphy n.书法 [01:47.10] The old man is famous for superb calligraphy. 那个老人以出色的书法著名。 [01:52.00] cope v.应付 [01:54.96] Jean felt unable to cope with driving in heavy traffic after her accident. 自从珍出了车祸后,在交通拥挤时,她无法驾驶得很顺利。 [02:02.24] cucumber n.黄瓜 [02:04.47] Please get some cucumbers in the vegetable section; I'll make pickles. 请在卖蔬果部门买些黄瓜,我想做腌瓜。 [02:09.85] gruel n.粥 [02:12.12] Her grandfather is 90 years old, and every mealtime she has to prepare gruel for him by boiling oatmeal in water. 他的祖父现年九十六,每餐她必须为他煮麦片粥。 [02:21.88] hustle v.驱赶 [02:24.47] She hustled off her children to school and started working. 她驱赶着孩子上学,然后开始工作。 [02:28.73] maneuver n.调遣;策略;演习 n.调遣;操纵 [02:31.61] Every year the army and thd navy hold maneuvers for practice. 每年陆军和海军都举行防空演习。 [02:36.65] She maneuvered her car into a narrow parking space with ease. 她轻易地操纵着她的车,进入很窄的停车场。 [02:43.68] plight n.(恶劣的)情势;苦境 [02:46.31] He was in a terrible plight, trapped at the back of the cave. 他正处于恶劣的情势,被诱入洞穴的后面。 [02:50.99] scoff n.嘲笑;嘲弄 [02:52.96] I came to the meeting to scoff, but the speaker persuaded me. 我来嘲弄这个会议,但被演说者劝阻了。 [02:58.10] stun n.昏晕;目瞪口呆 [03:01.33] She was stunned by the news of her mother's death. 她听到母亲过世的消息惊呆了。 [03:05.74] vulture n.兀鹰 [03:07.84] A vulture usually lives on the flesh of dead animals. 兀鹰靠死去的动物的肉来维生。 [03:12.61] ......Part 3...... ......第三部分...... [03:16.39] bankrupt n.破产者;无还债能力者 [03:18.76] After his store burned, the storekeeper became a bankrupt. 店给烧毁后,店主就破产了。 [03:24.15] cavern n.巨穴 [03:26.93] It suddenly began to shower, and we took refuge in the cavern. 突然下起雨来,我们躲进洞穴里躲避。 [03:32.80] chrysanthemum n.菊花 [03:35.35] Chrysanthemum usually blooms in fall and shows great varieties in the size and color of its flower. 菊花通常在秋天开,开着各式各样大小颜色不同的花。 [03:45.03] fishery n.渔业;渔场 [03:48.23] The inhabitants of the port are occupied mainly with fishery. 港口的居民们主要从事渔业。 [03:53.36] gust n.阵风;一阵 [03:56.02] In a gust of uncontrollable anger he broke the picture into pieces. 他在无法控制的发怒中,将图画撕成碎片。 [04:01.95] ingratiate v.逢迎;讨好 [04:05.45] She tried to ingratiate herself with the teacher by offering some precious gifts. 她试着以珍贵的礼物来讨好她的教师。 [04:11.82] munition n.军火;军需品 [04:14.72] The reason why we lost the war was not just because of a shortage of munitions. 我们打仗夫败的原因并不只是因为军火短缺。 [04:20.94] prostrate n.平卧;卧倒 [04:24.33] The wretched slaves prostrated themselves before their master. 可怜的奴隶卧倒在他们主人的面前。 [04:28.57] smolder v.闷烧;潜伏 [04:31.86] The campfire smoldered for several hours after the blaze died down. 火焰渐熄后,营火闷烧了好几个小时。 [04:38.08] tattoo n.连续的轻敲 [04:39.86] The hail beat a loud tattoo on the windowpane. 冰雹落在窗户的玻璃上,连续地敲响出很大的声音。 [04:43.92] wield v.支配;控制 [04:47.14] In a democratic system it is the people that wield the power. 在民主体制中,人民掌握权力。 [04:52.04] ......Part 4...... ......第四部分...... [04:56.28] allude v.暗指;提及 [04:58.40] In his letter he alluded me to a matter which I had completely forgotten. 他在信中向我提及一件我已经完全忘了的事。 [05:05.24] chisel n.凿子;錾子 [05:07.72] A chisel and a hammer are indispensable tools for a sculptor. 对一个雕刻家来说,錾子和铁锤是不可缺少的工具。 [05:13.39] cricket n.蟋蟀 [05:16.37] Male crickets make a chirping noise by rubbing their front wings together. 雄蟋蟀凭借前翅的磨擦发出唧唧声。 [05:21.08] flit v.飞跃;轻快地飞 [05:23.48] As we stepped into the bush, birds flitted from tree to tree. 我们走进灌木丛时,鸟儿在树间飞跃。 [05:29.04] high-handed adj.专横的;高压的 [05:31.58] It was rather high-handed to punish the child for the accident. 为了这意外事件而处罚孩子,真是专横。 [05:36.04] lag v.慢慢地瞳;落后 [05:38.80] The child lagged behind others because he was very tired. 这个小孩困为非常疲倦而落后于其他小孩。 [05:44.60] naughty adj.顽皮的;淘气的 [05:46.40] You naughty boy! I told you not to play on the road. 这个顽皮的小孩!我告诉过你不要在马路上玩。 [05:51.10] rattle n.嘎嘎声 [05:53.97] We used to hear the rattle of the mild bottles in the early morning. 我们习惯于听那清早牛奶瓶的嘎嘎作响声。 [05:59.66] soot n.煤烟,油烟 [06:02.00] Soot is caused by incomplete burning and makes smoke dark. 油烟是因于不完全燃烧而使烟变黑。 [06:07.31] tributary n.支流属国;纳贡国 [06:09.70] The Ohio River is one of the tributaries of the Mississippi River. 俄亥俄河是密西西比河的一条支流。 [06:14.96] undo v.废弃;打消;解开 [06:17.92] The workmen mended the road, but a heavy storm undid their work. 一场暴风雨破坏了工人们已修好的道路。 [06:23.57] The children began to undo the string round the parcel to see what was in it. 小孩们开始解开那绑着包裹的绳子,以看看里而到底是什么东西。 [06:30.25] ......Part 5...... ......第五部分...... [06:33.25] belabor v.重打;痛击 [06:35.10] The rider belabored his tired horse with a stick. 骑士用鞭子重重地打了那匹疲倦的马。 [06:39.42] circumference n.圆周;周围 [06:42.53] After dinner they walked around the circumference of the lake. 晚饭后他们沿着湖的周围漫步。 [06:47.75] devolve v.传一;授与 [06:49.63] In case of failure of direct descendants, the throne devolves upon the nearest prince. 如果没有直系子孙,王位就传给最亲近的王子。 [06:56.56] fret v.烦躁;激怒 [06:58.53] Don't fret too much; everything will be all right. 不要烦燥不安,每年事都会很顺利的。 [07:02.14] honk v.(雁)鸣叫 [07:03.80] The wild geese honked high in the autumn sky. 雁在秋天的空中鸣叫。 [07:07.93] levy v.征集;征税 [07:09.52] The government decided to levy a tax on tobacco; it had been free from tax. 政府决定征收烟草税,这向来是不征税的。 [07:16.12] override v.不顾;藐视 [07:18.09] The new rule overrides all the previous ones. 新的法规不顾所有旧的规定。 [07:22.70] rally v.重整;重振;集合 [07:24.53] The scattered soldiers were rallied in the vale for the next attack. 为了下次的出击,分散了的士兵被集合在山谷中。 [07:29.65] sprawl v.仰卧;伸开手脚 [07:32.36] Many people sprawled on the beach in their bathing suits. 许多人穿着泳衣在海滨仰卧。 [07:36.79] trudge v.跋涉;吃车地走 [07:39.44] The old man trudged through the deep snow back towards home. 老人在深雪中跋涉走向家中。