[00:08.20] I don't know where you're going or when you're coming home. 我不知道你会去哪,也不知道你何时回家。 [00:18.94] I left the keys under the mat to our front door for one more chance to hold you close. I don't know where you're going. Just get your ass back home. 我已经把钥匙塞在前门的垫子下面,只愿能有机会和你继续相拥。我不知道你会去哪。你给我滚回家。 [00:39.03] We both knew this type of life didn't come with instructions. 我们都清楚这种毫无指向的生活。 [00:41.99] So I'm trying to do my best to make something out of nothing. And sometimes it gets downright shitty in fact. 所以我尽自己最大的努力白手起家。不过,有些时候真是彻头彻尾的扯淡。 [00:49.21] When you call and I don't even know what city I'm in at 你打来电话时,我甚至不知道自己究竟在哪个城市。 [00:53.07] Or what day of the week in the middle of the month in a year I don't recall. 我也不记得是哪一年的某个月某一周的某一天。 [00:56.70] It's like my life's on repeat and the last time we spoke I told you I wouldn't be long. 我的生活似乎一直在重复。我们上一次通话时,我告诉你这样的生活不会太久了。 [01:00.68] That was last November. Now December's almost gone. 那时是十一月。现在十二月都快过完了。 [01:04.10] I'd apologize but I don't realize what I'm doing wrong. I don't know where you're going or when you're coming home. 我得向你道歉,但是我并不知道自己做错了什么。我不知道你会去哪,也不知道你何时回家。 [01:17.95] I left the keys under the mat to our front door for one more chance to hold you close. 我已经把钥匙塞在前门的垫子下面,只愿能有机会和你继续相拥。 [01:29.90] I don't know where you're going. Just get your ass back home. And you've been nothing but amazing. And I never take that for granted. 我不知道你会去哪。你给我滚回家。除了惊异无法再用别的词语来形容你。而我从来没有把这当做理所当然。 [01:41.09] Half of these birds would have flew the coop. But you, you truly understand it. And the fact you stood beside me. (要是那样的话)一半的鸟儿早就逃走。(一半的妹子早就离开)但是有你,你真的理解我。事实上,你总是站在我身旁。 [01:46.85] Every time you heard some bogusness. 每次你听到流言蜚语。 [01:48.74] You deserve a standing ovation cause they'd a just been over it. 你值得(我起立为你)鼓掌,因为过去的就过去了。 [01:52.33] Let them talk. Let them talk. Let them talk. Let them talk. We don't hear what they saying. 让他们去吧,唧唧歪歪,胡说八道,挖苦讽刺。就当我们没有听到他们说什么。 [01:56.12] Let them walk. Let them walk. Let them walk. Let them walk. We'll just drive by and keep waving. Cause you and I above all that. 让他们去吧,到处闲逛,走走停停,四处乱窜。我们就只是开车经过,挥挥手。因为你和我比这一切都重要。 [02:01.80] Just let them wallow in it. Now they all choked up, yuck. Cause they be swallowing it. 就让他们摸爬滚打。如今一个个都哑口无言。因为他们要把这一切都吞咽下去。 [02:07.05] I don't know where you're going or when you're coming home. 我不知道你会去哪,也不知道你何时回家。 [02:17.04] I left the keys under the mat to our front door for one more chance to hold you close. 我已经把钥匙塞在前门的垫子下面,只愿能有机会和你继续相拥。 [02:28.90] I don't know where you're going. Just get your ass back home. 我不知道你会去哪。你给我滚回家。 [02:37.51] I don't care what you after as long as I am the one, no. 我不关心你以后会怎么样,只要我是唯一就好。 [02:44.46] I don't care why you're leaving. You'll miss me when I am gone. 我无所谓你离开的原因。当我离开,你要想念我。 [02:51.08] I don't know where you're going or when you're coming home. 我不知道你会去哪,也不知道你何时回家。 [03:01.30] I left the keys under the mat to our front door for one more chance to hold you close. I don't know where you're going. Just get your ass back home. 我已经把钥匙塞在前门的垫子下面,只愿能有机会和你继续相拥。我不知道你会去哪。你给我滚回家。