[00:18.81] Goddess on the mountain top was burning like a silver flame, the summit of beauty and love. 在山顶端上的女神像银色火焰一般燃烧。她最美丽,也最富有爱心。 [00:31.96] And Venus was her name. She's got it. Yeah, baby, she's got it. 维纳斯是她的名字。她是得到了它。是的, 宝贝, 她是得到了它。 [00:42.94] I'm your Venus. I'm your fire at your desire. 我是你的维纳斯。在你的欲望面前,我就是你心中的那团火焰。 [00:50.64] I'm your Venus. I'm your fire at your desire. 我是你的维纳斯。在你的欲望面前,我就是你心中的那团火焰。 [01:02.57] Her weapons were her crystal eyes making every man a man. 她的武器是她那水晶般的眼睛,让男人成为真正的男人。 [01:10.33] Black as the dark night she was. Got what no one else had. 她如漆黑的夜晚一般,得到任何人都未曾拥有的东西。 [01:16.62] She's got it. Yeah, baby, she's got it. 她是得到了它。是的, 宝贝, 她是得到了它。 [01:25.71] I'm your Venus. I'm your fire at your desire. 我是你的维纳斯。在你的欲望面前,我就是你心中的那团火焰。 [01:32.83] I'm your Venus. I'm your fire at your desire. 我是你的维纳斯。在你的欲望面前,我就是你心中的那团火焰。 [02:06.44] She's got it. Yeah, baby, she's got it. 她是得到了它。是的, 宝贝, 她是得到了它。 [02:13.51] I'm your Venus. I'm your fire at your desire. 我是你的维纳斯。在你的欲望面前,我就是你心中的那团火焰。 [02:21.34] I'm your Venus. I'm your fire at your desire. 我是你的维纳斯。在你的欲望面前,我就是你心中的那团火焰。 [02:27.35] Goddess on the mountain top was burning like a silver flame, the summit of beauty and love. 在山顶端上的女神像银色火焰一般燃烧。她最美丽,也最富有爱心。 [02:40.61] And Venus was her name. She's got it. Yeah, baby, she's got it. 维纳斯是她的名字。她是得到了它。是的, 宝贝, 她是得到了它。 [02:51.73] I'm your Venus. I'm your fire at your desire. 我是你的维纳斯。在你的欲望面前,我就是你心中的那团火焰。 [02:58.91] I'm your Venus. I'm your fire at your desire. 我是你的维纳斯。在你的欲望面前,我就是你心中的那团火焰。 [03:07.25] Yeah, baby, she's got it. Yeah, baby, she's got it. Yeah, baby, she's got it. 是的, 宝贝, 她是得到了它。是的, 宝贝, 她是得到了它。是的, 宝贝, 她是得到了它。