[00:07.52] A good leader is always working hard like a horse. 好的领导应该像马一样辛勤工作。 [00:16.00] As the CEO of this company, he is under much pressure. 作为公司的首席执行官,他面临很大压力。 [00:25.24] I like those leaders who are friendly and easy-going among his employees. 我喜欢那些对员工友善、随和的领导。 [00:34.56] Good leaders are close to their employees. 和员工关系密切的领导才是好领导。 [00:41.32] Rules and regulations are the best way to standardize a company. 制定规章制度是规范公司的最好方法。 [00:50.52] Since he is the leader, he is supposed to take the lead. 既然他是领导,他就应一马当先。 [00:58.56] If I were a leader, I would be on equal terms with my employees. 如果我是领导.我会公平对待我的员工。 [01:07.68] A professional leader is always ready to take challenges and risks. 内行的领导随时准备着迎接挑战和冒险。 [01:17.52] He is responsible to make important decisions and budgets for the company. 他负责为公司作出重要决定和进行财政预算。 [01:26.48] He is an expert on finance and good at interpreting the government policies. 他是金融方面的专家,擅长理解政府的政策。 [01:36.76] A sales manager is supposed to sell service and products to potential customers. 销售经理应该为潜在顾客提供服务和商品。 [01:47.52] She is playing a role of a manager and a role of a mother at the same time. 她现在同时扮演着经理和母亲的角色。