[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.29]Chapter3: Visiting A Countryside 第三课 去郊外 [00:10.58]A The children to go hiking in Shing Mun Country Park. 这些小朋友想到Shing Mum 公园远足. [00:18.65]What facilities are there? 那里有什么设施呀? [00:30.90]Faclilities in Shing Mun Cuntry Park SHING MUM 公园的设施 [00:39.84]visitor centre 游客中心 [00:46.81]picnic site 野餐场所 [00:53.66]barbecue site 烧烤场所 [01:00.81]information board 信息板 [01:07.24]public toilets 公厕 [01:13.77]snack bar 小吃店 [01:19.41]There is a visitor centre 这有游客中心 [01:28.16]There are some public toilets. 这有些公厕 [01:35.92]B The children are choosing a hike in the country park. 这些小朋友在选郊外公园的远足路线. [01:42.66]Act the children. Here are some examples 扮演他们 下面有些例子 [02:00.53]How long does it take to walk from the visitor centre to Needle Hill? 从游客中心走到针山要多久呀? [02:13.77]It takes on and a half hours. 那要一个半小时 [02:22.81]How long does it take to walk from the visitor centre to Grassy Hill? 从游客中心走到草要多久呀? [02:36.84]It takes two hours. 那要二个小时. [02:44.28]Now you do the rest 现在你做其余的 [02:52.33]You are going hiking with the children. 你会同这些小朋友去远足. [02:58.08]Where do you want to walk to? 你想要去哪里呀? [03:02.83]How long does it take to walk there? 步行去哪要多久呀? [03:16.18]C The children met some other hikers. 小朋友见到其他远足的人. [03:22.34]Act the people.Here are some examples 扮演他们.下面有些例子. [03:38.88]How far is it to the visitor centre? 在这里去游客中心有多远呀? [03:49.33]It's a long way from here.It's 3Km. 它离这有一段路程.有3公里远. [04:03.77]How far is it to the information board? 这里离信息板有多远呀? [04:15.32]It's not very far.It's 100m. 不是很远.有100米. [04:26.08]Now you do the rest 现在你做其余的 [04:33.63]km:kilometer(s) 公里 [04:42.67]m:metre(s) 米 [04:50.98]D Reading: Charlie's easy question 阅读: CHARLIE 那道很容易的问题 [05:04.93]One day Charlie's General Studies teacher said to the class, 有一天CHARLIE 的常识老师对这班同学讲。 [05:17.78]'We're going on a field trip to Sai Kung Country Park next week 下周,我们会去SaiKung郊外公园玩. [05:31.05]The children were very excited. 小朋友们非常兴奋 [05:38.10]The teacher told them to get into groups of three. 老师让他们分成三人一组. [05:48.13]First of all,I want you to find out three things about the country park. 首先,我想要你们找三个有关郊外公园的事. [06:02.87]She wrote three questions on the blackboard: 她写了三个问题在黑板上. [06:13.73]1 What can we do in the country park? 在郊外公园我们可以做什么? [06:26.06]2 What can we see in the country park? 在郊外公园,我们可以看到什么 [06:39.41]3 How long does it take to get from Kwun Tong to the country park? 从Kwun Tong 到郊外公园要多久呀? [06:56.05]Charlie was in a group with Tom and Mary. CHARLIE 和TOM,MARY在一组. [07:04.70]He thought the third question was the easiest so he said, 他认为第三个问题最容易,所以他说, [07:11.86]I'll find out how long it takes to get to the country park. 我会去查从这里到郊外公园需要多久. [07:28.81]'Tom took the first question and Mary took the second. TOM 选了第一个问题,MARY 选了第二个问题. [07:43.18]Tom worked hard. TOM 很努找资料. [07:49.92]He found a leaflet about Sai Kung Country Park. 他找了一份关于SAI KUNG 郊外公园的资料单. [08:00.97]It showed people hiking,swimming and fishing. 这里有人可以远足,游泳和钩鱼. [08:12.12]He also read about the interesting places there on the Internet 他也在网上看到那里其它有趣的地方. [08:25.18]—beaches,barbecue sites,camping sites and so on. 海滩,烧烤地点和露营地点等 [08:39.34]He wrote down what people can do in the country park. 他写下来人们在那公园可以做什么. [08:50.39]Mary asked her mother to take her to Sai Kung Country Park. MARY 叫他妈妈带她去SAI KUNG郊外公园 [09:02.75]They went on a hike. 他们去远足. [09:06.87]They had a picnic at the picnic site. 他们在野餐地点野餐. [09:16.51]They took lots of photos. 他们照了很多相片. [09:23.85]They went to the education centre. 他们去了动植教育中心. [09:31.48]They learned a lot about the plants and animals 他们学了很多有关植物和动物的知识 [09:37.83]that people can see in the country park. 人们可以在郊外公园看到动植物. [09:47.96]Mary wrote down all the information. MARY 写下了所有的信息 [09:56.82]Charlie did not want to spend much time on his question. CHARLIE不想花太多的时间在他的问题上. [10:08.97]He had a good idea. 他有一个好主意. [10:15.13]He looked up the telephone number and rang the visitor centre. 他看了电话号码,然后打电话到游客中心. [10:26.99]A man answered the phone. 一个男人接电话. [10:34.44]'Can you help me?' asked Charlie. CHARLIE 问'你可以帮我吗?' [10:44.18]'Certainly,' said the man.' 可以,'那人说 [10:53.43]How long does it take to get from Kwun Tong to Sai Kung Country Park? 从KWUN TONG 到 SAI KUNG 郊外公园要多久呀 [11:01.97]asked Charlie. CHARLIE 问. [11:11.71]The man seemed to be very busy.'Just a minute,'he said. 这男的似乎很忙.他说'等一下'. [11:30.68]But Charlie said,Thank you very much,' 但CHARLIE 说'非常谢谢你,' [11:36.63]and put down the phone immediately. 然后就挂了电话. [11:49.07]See how clever I am,'thought Charlie. 看我有多聪明,CHARLIE想. [12:00.04]It only took me a few minutes to finish my homework.' 它只花我几分钟就完成我的功课. [12:11.87]Do you think Charlie was clever? 你认为CHARLIE 聪明吗? [12:19.71]E Answer the questions about the story in complete sentences. 回答这些有关这故事的问题完成这句子. [12:33.53]1 Why did the teacher ask the children to find out about the country park? 为什么老师叫小朋友们找有关郊外公园的资料? [12:49.88]2 Who was in Charlie's group? 2 Charlie 同谁一组? [13:02.94]3 Why did Charlie take the third question? 3 CHARLIE 为什么选第三个问题? [13:15.79]4 Where did Tom find out the answer to the first question? 4 TOM 是在哪里找到第一道问题的答案呀? [13:31.44]5 How did Mary find out the answer to the second question? MARY 是怎么样找到第二道问题的答案呀? [13:46.67]6 How did Charlie find out the answer to the third question? CHARLIE 怎么样找到第三个问题的答案呀? [14:01.40]7 How long did Charlie take to finish his homework? CHARLIE 花了多长时间去完成他的功课? [14:14.83]8 Finish this sentence: 完成这句子。 [14:24.29]F The children are having a treasure hunt in the country park. 这些小朋友在郊外公园玩寻宝游戏。 [14:33.64]Act the children.Finsh the plan. 扮演他们.完成这个计划 [14:49.39]You have to visit the four places on the map and answer the questions 你们要在地图上这四个地方回答这个问题. [15:03.63]Then you'll find the treasure. 然后你们会找到这珠宝S: [15:10.79]S:How far is it to the information board? S:从这里到信息板有多远? [15:23.95]C:it's 2 km.S:That's a long way. C:有2公里远 S:那路程好远哦 [15:37.09]How long does it take to walk from here to the information board? [15:42.81]从这里走到信息板要多久呀? [15:48.53]C:It takes an hour. 要一个小时. [15:55.17]Sm:How far is it to the barbecue site? SM:从这里到烧烤地点有多远呀? [16:09.01]Sy:It's 1 km. SY:有1公里. [16:15.86]Sm:That's not very far. SM:那不是很远. [16:22.49]How long does it take to walk from here to them barbecues site? 从这里步行到烧烤地点需要多久? [16:33.23]It take half an hour. 要花半个小时。 [16:37.28]This is the end of side two. 第二面完毕。